Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 10 September 2021

Australian Officials Again Announce a New World Order

 [David Icke]: I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but take a look at the above linked 30-second clip where Chant talks about her Australian New World Order. Watch her face closely. Notice how a dark presence comes across her face (from the 6 second mark to the 9 second mark or so) when her brows sharply furrow above her nose. Her face goes from open to closed, almost like some entity has overtaken her face and is speaking through her. Look at her eyes. Look at her eyebrows. Then, all of a sudden, it disappears. It’s a really creepy effect, and I have noticed it several times when I’ve watched her speak in public. I have written before about wetiko, Archons and other interdimensional entities which appear to be at the base of the NWO worldwide conspiracy. I am not saying that is necessarily what is happening here, but Chant’s facial expressions are eerie....<<<Read More>>>...