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Saturday 11 September 2021

Lying fake scientists funded by Moderna: NHS ‘faces breaking point by November’ without masks and social distancing as ‘Covid’ cases rise (confirmed by a test not testing for it). How do these people sleep at night? Like babies

 Looks like their playing that song again .... 'The Next Lockdown To Save The NHS' by Comrade Boris And The Band Of Liars. Nope. Not listening. Heard that bollocks before and not falling for the bullshit. Sorry.

This is all lies, lies and more lies .... we all can see the emperor wears no clothes and there is an evil wolf in sheep's clothing.

 [David Icke]:  The NHS will be at breaking point within two months if the Government fails to implement basic Covid precautions such as mask wearing and social distancing, a new scientific paper has found.

The paper, which is at the pre-publication stage at the highly regarded medical journal The Lancet, has been authored by a number of leading scientists and was funded by vaccine producer Moderna.

The report finds that, even with a 100 per cent take up among the over-16s currently being offered a vaccine, there will have been up to one million hospital admissions to Covid wards between “freedom day” on 19 July and the end of the year if the reproduction rate (R-rate) rises above two.

At an R-rate of 1.7 the paper, seen by i, estimates that the UK will suffer a further 340,000 hospital admissions before the end of the year.

The current R-rate in England is 0.9 to 1.1, but with the margin of error could be as high a 1.3. In Scotland, three weeks after schools returned, the R-rate stands at around 1.3 to 1.6.

Without any Covid restrictions in place and with pupils returning to school in England this week, one of the authors of the research believes NHS hospital admissions for Covid across the UK will have reached that same level as at the last peak of 5,671 on 12 January.