[Daily OM]: We all have days when we feel
lonely, but the very idea of loneliness comes from the false notion that
we are separate and isolated parts in a world filled with other
separate, isolated parts. In truth, we can no more be separate from our
world than a fish can be separate from the water in which it swims. When
we really begin to look at the boundaries we see as so solid, they
prove to be, in fact, quite porous. For example, it is not clear exactly
where our skin ends and the air begins when we consider how our skin is
affected by changes in the quality of the air. When it is dry, our skin
becomes dry, and when it is humid, our skin becomes moist and supple.
By the same token, it is difficult sometimes to distinguish the boundary
between one person and another, especially when our actions tie us
together so inextricably. Every move we make has an effect that touches
all the people around us. On an even more subtle level, when we share
space with another person, we often pick up on their energy, feeling how
they feel and attuning to them, whether we mean to or not. This is what
we mean when we say a mood or a feeling is contagious. We cannot help
but be part of the realities of the people around us because we take
form from the same energetic force, and this force unifies all life.
This force is the light that all the great mystics and gurus encourage
us to move toward, and it is the light we will dissolve into when we
move beyond our individual egos.
If loneliness is a temporary condition based on an incomplete
understanding of what we are made of, we can think of its presence as a
catalyst for exploring our ideas about reality. We can respond by
testing the boundaries we believe separate us from the life within and
all around us. If we test them, we will discover that they are not so
solid after all and that we can never really be alone.
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