Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 17 October 2021

For 18 months Covid-19 has been all that matters to Medical staff, and now things are about to get worse…

 [The Expose]: Most cases of type 11 diabetes could be treated with diet rather than pills. Heart disease is treated with drugs or surgery when it has been proved beyond doubt that it can be treated successfully with diet, relaxation and exercise. Doctors have repeatedly misdiagnosed dementia. And they have prescribed huge quantities of dangerously addictive benzodiazepine drugs.

All that was bad enough.

But things have got consistently worse during the last year and a half. Every day seems to bring new examples of professional lunacy.

Unbelievably, and unforgivably, doctors writing in the British Medical Journal have called for the medical profession to do less screening of patients and to cut back on prescribing treatment – `to help combat climate change’. Doctors have called for global warming concerns to be put above patients’ interests.

Let’s get this straight: the medical establishment wants to cut back on diagnosing cancer early in order to save Big Ben from disappearing under 100 foot waves a week on Wednesday. This may be childish, pseudoscientific gibberish but it is also terrifyingly wicked.

`The climate emergency is the true health crisis of our time,’ is the message from the medical establishment who appear to have had their brains removed and replaced with those of 12-year-old girls.

The members of the medical establishment who believe this should all be certified insane and put into a coma to protect the public from their deranged utterings.

There is not one jot of real scientific evidence for the myth of climate change. The myth was planned decades ago. Those who talk about flooding and disappearing cities are hysterical and deluded. Powerful, irresponsible media forces such as the BBC suppress debate about the climate in just the same way that they’ve suppressed debate about covid. The hysteria is so acute that brain-dead protestors in the UK, protected by the police, happily stop ambulances.

People aren’t threatened by climate change or covid. People are threatened by corruption too big for most people to see. They are threatened by self-serving, cowardly, virtue signalling, breast beating doctors whose wilful, staggering ignorance will result in hundreds of thousands of early and unnecessary deaths.

The nonsense from the BMA is pouring out these days.

For example, the BMA now says that Britain needs another 60,000 doctors. Or maybe it’s just England that needs another 60,000. Or Milton Keynes. It’s lunacy.

Britain doesn’t need any more doctors. Dare I suggest that the NHS needs the GPs on the payroll to do what they’re paid for – which is to see patients. The Department of Health in the UK has just reported that the average GP is now working a three day week and earning over £100,000.

Doctors protest that they are overworked and that they are struggling to deal with a continuing crisis. But they’re working three day weeks. It’s no wonder patients are more likely to win the lottery than get an appointment with their doctor....<<<Read More>>>...