[Daily OM]: When we are "in the thick of it,"
overwhelmed by too many things that need our attention, it's important
to remember that we are never given more than we can handle. When life's
challenges make us question this, our best coping mechanism is to
follow the reliable and well-known course to our calm center and anchor
ourselves there. It is for these times that we have been practicing
regularly, so that our mind, body, and spirit will know how to find the
peace within. Even in the midst of seeming chaos, a deep breath can help
us turn within to find the space to work from, the calm at the center
of the storm.
Tapping into our inner resources we begin again, bringing our focus to
the needs of the present moment. Asking "why?" shifts our energy away
from the task at hand. We can seek answers to those questions once we
get to the other side of the present challenge. For now, we accept what
is. Once we have collected scattered energy and created space,
inspiration will strike, help will arrive, and what seemed impossible
will either become possible or we will find it has become unnecessary.
The flow of the universe and its perfect order has room to move in our
lives when we get ourselves and our extraneous thoughts out of the way.
After the thick has become thin again, we have the opportunity to learn
from the situation with a better idea of our true capabilities. We can
now ask ourselves the "why" questions with the goal of fine-tuning our
lives. Perhaps we have taken on more than is ours to do or made
commitments out of obligation rather than insight. It could just be the
ebb and flow and life, or we may be receiving life lessons on a fast
track in preparation for something wonderful to come. But when we have a
chance to make new choices, we know the best ones are made when we work
from center.