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Friday 5 November 2021

LAGEVIO - A Word Play

We checked out the word LAGEVIO online to see what other words can be formed from this rather strange name ....

We are very doubtful and untrusting of ANYTHING relating to the Covid mind control experiment dropped on mankind.

Lagevio is apparently the new wonder Covid Pill from Merck ...

Here are some of the other words we found:

OGIVAL (The pointed shape of an ogive; where an ogive is a distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative. Interesting ... so all the deaths caused by this poison will be the frequencies on the curve???)

ALGOR (In pathology, an unusual feeling of coldness; rigor or chill in or at the onset of fever. Cold; chilliness.. VERY WORRYING ???

ARGIL (Clay, or potter's earth; sometimes pure clay, or alumina. Alumina is a compound of Aluminum. Is the clay refering to the pill?)

That just is a few of the strange coincidental words that can be found in LAGEVIO. Knowing how psychotically sick the parasites are ... these names are not by chance. They want to tell us what is in the pill.