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Thursday 18 November 2021

Stanford Remote Viewer Shares A Story About UFOs & Real “Men In Black

[The Pulse]: Remote viewing is the ability to describe a remote geographical location, in detail, regardless of one’s present location and proximity to the place or object that they are describing. The phenomenon is indeed real, so real that it was used by the U.S. intelligence community to “spy” on others, albeit in a psychic manner.

The program was used successfully to locate hostages, lost planes, view into the military bases of another country to see what they were developing technologically, and much more. The program was initiated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the methods and techniques were taught to military and civilian personnel at SRI International at Stanford university.

The program ran for approximately 25 years and was declassified in 1995, although much of what was discovered within the program about these “paranormal” abilities and what else they were used for probably remains classified.

A man by the name of Ingo Swann was one of the most successful and talented remote viewers in the program . He was able to view a ring around Jupiter before astronomers had any idea that it existed. This took place before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which confirmed that the ring did actually exist. These results were published in the study cited above.

What was not published in the literature after it was declassified were Swann’s experiences in the world of intelligence. He did, however, write a book called Penetration where he detailed some of his experiences, and many of them dealt with UFOs as well as supposed extraterrestrials.

In his book he describes a gentlemen who he calls Mr. Axelrod, a secretive government agent obviously belonging to some intelligence agency....<<<Read More>>>.....