[Richie Allen]: James O’Brien is a state propagandist. Throughout the scamdemic O’Brien has used his morning radio show to persuade his listeners that lockdowns, facemasks and vaccines are for their own good. In fact, he has regularly rebuked the government for not locking down harder and faster.
O’Brien has never challenged any of the “science” behind government mandated restrictions. There are tens of thousands of scientists and doctors who counselled against lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandates.
None of them has been invited on O’Brien’s show. He hasn’t interviewed a single opponent of lockdowns. That’s actually quite staggering when you think about it.
Callers have managed to put the case against lockdowns and other restrictions to O’Brien. He resorted to belittling them, incessantly interrupting them and cutting them off. What a coward. He also lied pathologically about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
Today, the self-professed liberal declared covid certification, or vaccine passports, to be mildly restrictive. He said:
“I just see it so clearly! Take this precaution which is mildly restrictive, in order to avoid moving on to this one which is massively restrictive.”
O’Brien has two daughters. I wonder, does he give any thought to what the world will look like when they reach adulthood?
It isn’t unfair or even unkind to compare O’Brien to William Joyce. Joyce broadcast Nazi propaganda.
James O’Brien broadcasts Nazi propaganda.
He openly endorses vaccine passports. It doesn’t get any more Nazi than that.
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