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Wednesday 15 December 2021

Pinocchio's Spokesperson Dr Whitty Is Overdoing the BS About The Moronic Variant

 The return of the rather grotesque and bizarre appearance of Pinocchio's spokesperson Professor Chris Whitty to our TV screens SHOULD create the hypnotic effect of jumping to his desperate plea to get the third dose of the death shot.

But it doesn't.

His feeble attempt at selling the crazy notion of the MORONIC VARIANT is totally unconvincing. He's pushing an agenda that is totally and utterly unbelievable. 

Their desperation to get more to submit to chemical genocide is very evident. Whitty comes across as the crazy and scared farmer who is trying to get the herd of sheep to jump over a cliff. 

He is clearly the MORONIC one if he really thinks this transparent script is going to succeed. YES, he will convince the 10% who are dead easy to hypnotise. Notice the deliberate choice of the word dead. For they effectively are already. He's hoping to influence the herd to follow the 10% and go for the killer jab. He will not appeal to the awakened ones who can see through his lies.

Pinocchio's MORONIC VARIANT script is BS!! 

Tonight's 'CHILLER' HEADLINE reads: Worried Whitty tells people to pick the events they attend 'carefully' as Omicron sends daily Covid cases to highest level ever: 50% jump in a week sees 78,610 infections but Boris REFUSES his own experts' plea for 'Plan C'

Whitty is worried alright. Not enough people are going for the jabby jabby jabby and too many humans will have the Xmas his satanic masters don't went them to have. The only surge in infections is the TAMPERING OF THE PCR TEST ... to make it look like there is a nasty new variant. Whitty knows damn well this is all a scam. We do too.  

How the hell does the PCR test tell them that its the Omicron variant??? How can it say WHAT vvariant it is when the original 'alpha' variant has yet to be isolated. It's UTTER BULLSHIT all of this.