[Richie Allen]: A leading oncology professor has claimed that the policy of testing healthy people for covid-19 is obsessive, hysterical and “tantamount to national self-harm.”
Writing for The Mail Online, Professor Angus Dalgleish said that the mass-testing of the population using lateral flow tests has crippled hundreds of thousands of British businesses and put lives at risk due to hospital staff shortages.
Dalgleish wrote:
The policy of obsessive Covid screening of the population using lateral flow tests has lurched into mass hysteria. Worse, it is tantamount to national self-harm.
Hospitals, transport networks, our postal and rubbish collection services and hundreds of thousands of British businesses are now being crippled because of a mania over checking people for an infection that they may have no symptoms for.
With one million people in isolation last week, everyday life – and the economy – is at risk of grinding to a halt. And even more worrying, crucial life-saving work is being jeopardised, with more than 40,000 NHS staff unable to attend work for at least two days last week…..
While the daily number of new infections may sound alarming, most people with Omicron are experiencing nothing more than cold-like symptoms – if any at all – and yet are still being forced to sign off work for at least seven days.
Dalgleish is right. Mass-testing healthy people to check if they have a cold is madness, but there is method in it. He must know that now. I bet he also knows that mass-vaccinating the population for a mild illness is unnecessary and dangerous, but he won’t go there, will he?
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