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Saturday 12 February 2022

How the Covid-19 Vaccinated became Genetically Modified Humans

 [The Expose]: Our story begins in 1869 when the young Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher was looking for the building blocks of life in white blood cells (Leucocytes). It was thought at the time that our inherited characteristics were stored in proteins. But Miescher discovered a strange and enigmatic molecule which was definitely not a protein in our white blood cells. It resided in their nuclei. Hence he called it Nuclein.

He first published his discovery in 1871 and theorised that this Nuclein could carry the hereditary information of mankind in some kind of alphabet. He had in fact stumbled across DNA. But he was not able to prove its role in the human body during his life. For that proof, mankind had to wait for the arrival of Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty, who in 1944 proved that DNA was the biochemical in our bodies that determined our inherited characteristics, not proteins as had been thought in the previous scientific orthodoxy.

This precipitated a race to determine the chemical structure of DNA. A race which was won by Francis Crick and James Watson. 

On April 25th 1953, 4 years before I was born, Crick and Watson of Cambridge University, published their famous discovery of the base pairing internal structure on the Double Helix backbone of DNA which had previously been X ray photographed by Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin of Kings College London.

They relied on the Chargaff rule that in DNA the amount of Guanine was equal to the amount of Cytosine and the amount of Thymine was equal to the amount of Adenine. From this they deduced that the Guanine paired with the Cytosine and the Thymine paired with the Adenine and both pairings were joined by bonds between the Hydrogen atoms in the bases (bases because they are alkali rather than acid, not bases because they have something built upon them or are full of military personnel).

DNA is a beautiful structure which houses the genetic information necessary to build an entire human being in 3 Giga Bases, 3 billion base pairs. Its brilliance is that all the information is stored twice, in each complementary strand. So by breaking the bond between the Hydrogen atoms of the base pairs and unzipping itself, it can then act as a template to produce a single stranded DNA type polymer, which is called RNA.

So DNA is self replicating and dually redundant. Since there are 4 possible bases, life has a 4 bit code. So the entire genome of mankind is 12 Giga bits or 1.5 GigaBytes in size. It is therefore more than 12x smaller than the 20GB Microsoft Windows 10 operating system and yet has enough information with in it to build an entire human starting only from one cell and to keep that human going for 100 years without needing to reboot him once! ....<<<Read More>>>...