Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 5 May 2022

How To Stay Alive In The Maze

One of the hardest things we do in this life, is simply staying alive. It is a complex mechanism of decisions, actions and reactions, that depends on our choices wrong or right.

We face cross roads and junctions in the path every day, in every moment ... wherever we are in life. Life depends on these trillions of micro second decisions that we all make to keep the one microcosmic creature known as mankind going. 

Yet, nobody knows for sure what it really is about. Perhaps those at the top of the globalist pyramid know what is really going on. But for the rest of us it is speculation and superstition. So few people, in truth, have their own view point. They rely on being told, or spoon fed, what the nature of life is really about.

There are those of us who are born open minded, who question everything and refuse to accept anything told to us. We 'back engineer' these insights and analyse the simple components of what we are told. To come to our own conclusions. Those of us who are like this, are not easily fooled and will not be brainwashed easily. We can see through the crap and exist on a higher vibration than the average.

On the other hand, there are those who are born closed minded and rely on being followers of teachers, peers, family, newspapers and the media. These individuals are open to auto suggestion and can be brainwashed very easily. They are naive and accept anything that is the official narrative without question.

These two types of humans make up the planet and it became very obvious during the Covid-19 fakedemic that these types of humans existed. There were those who diligently washed their hands singing 'happy birthday to me' over and over; who wore the face nappies and then went off and had their numerous gene therapy jabs in their arms. They have religiously had PCR tests and never questioned when they got the so called Covid-19 .. repeating the official narrative that 'it would have been a lot worse if they hadn't had the vaccine'. 

Then there were those of us who went about our normal lives; not social distancing, hugging friends and each other; not wearing masks and certainly not having the PCR tests or wearing the face nappies. Strangely, we have not had Covid-19 at any time through the madness.

So the closed minded are currently living the reality known as the 'New Normal' unwittingly letting the social credit system and worse come into their lives; while believing their government really cares for them and its all going to be okay. Then there are us open minded ones who see the bewitchment that has befallen the closed minded, and have bought the popcorn to watch the movie ... 

It is a sad fact that there are so many brainwashed and gullible human beings who are needlessly worrying about a 'deady virus' ... who do not see what's coming in the future. They belittle the open minded for believing in the conspiracy theories ... and for not having the gene therapy jabs .... 

NO we won't ... we are watching the jabbed generate their own variants and are catching Covid-19 from THEMSELVES and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives. Their immune systems are wrecked ... but they won't believe there is anything wrong with them.

It goes back to those decisions we make in the microseconds. Its a choice between reacting and acting. Those who believe the narratives are reacting due to the fear propaganda that has them in its grip. We, on the other hand, are acting. We are not letting fear narratives drive are decisions. Instead we stop and think and research and then come to a learned decision. This difference is what will keep us alive in this human maze.