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Friday 6 May 2022

The Globalist Psychopaths Pushing the Climate Change Scam Believe That the Real Enemy Is Humanity Itself

 Politicians and climate activists assert that we are living in a climate crisis and that it is imperative that the world gets to Net Zero emissions – effectively net zero fossil fuel consumption – by 2050, if not sooner. However, the utter futility of Net Zero rules out all explanations other than their openly-stated malign objective of de-industrialisation and global depopulation through a system of coercive world governance.

Climate change is only one of their tools. Almost everything our WEF puppet politicians impose on us these days seems deliberately designed to make life more coercive and miserable, to weaken the economy, to impoverish us, to demoralise and divide us and, if they press on as they are doing, to kill off many of the poor and vulnerable. Yet the general public seems content to shrug it all off.

To me it is as clear as day that, on climate change as on Covid, the same group of powerful billionaires and unaccountable globalist organisations like the UN are pushing the same sort of dishonestly-concocted narrative backed up by the same sort of MSM suppression of honest facts, the same sort of brainwashing of the general public and the same sort of Big Tech coercions.

Politicians and climate activists assert that we are living in a climate crisis and that it is imperative that the world gets to Net Zero emissions (effectively net zero fossil fuel consumption) by 2050, if not sooner. Sadly, a large part of the brainwashed general public meekly acquiesces....<<<Read More>>>>...