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Friday 1 July 2022

European Union sentences hundreds of millions to perpetual poverty after passing new ‘carbon emissions’ bill

 Despite the fact that the lunatic left believes all humans who want to live a modern life are destroying the planet, the reality is, our societies cannot exist at their current level of success without fossil fuels.

Where there is an occasion to augment the production of energy with wind and solar, we ought to do that, but they cannot become our primary sources of energy production a) because there isn’t enough room for that many solar panels and wind farms; and b) even if there were, these sources of energy are not 100 percent reliable. No wind? Windmills don’t turn. No sun? Solar panels don’t gather rays and store energy.

But fossil fuels are 100 percent reliable and, frankly, using today’s technology, we can make them burn very cleanly. During Donald Trump’s term, America produced and burned more carbon-based energy and yet emissions actually fell.

Now, even as the continent struggles to power its economy, the European Union — following sanctions against Russian oil and natural gas due to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine — has voted to sentence its citizens to permanent poverty....<<<Read More>>>....