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Friday 8 July 2022

The COVID criminal conspiracy cracks up in real time

 Let’s first understand the indisputable reality about the execution of OPERATION COVID-19 and the subsequent implementation of the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda: The countless criminal conspirators who carried out this global genocide are extremely delusional psychopaths and criminally insane genocidal maniacs.

When such is the case, they are going to do a LOT of very stupid things in the course of committing their capital crime wave worldwide. In fact, these murderous psychos have made one mistake after another—VERY BIG MISTAKES, that is. Yet it’s quite possible that these epic blunders were not mistakes at all; rather, just a reflection of the complete command and control that the New World Order globalist cabal currently exerts over the entire planetary civilization. Or, at least, thinks they exert.

Regardless of the true status of their global dominance, the NWO perpetrators of the COVID-19 biowar being waged against all of humanity have really screwed up. Their main miscalculation, by far, was the extent to which they believed they could maintain the cover-up of the Covid ‘vaccine’ genocide.

Really, how do you attempt to vaccinate nearly 8 billion people across the planet with an extremely dangerous and deadly Covid injection(s), where millions soon die or sustain life-threatening injuries due to the lethal jab, and then expect that such a transparent depopulation scheme could be effectively covered up?!?! STUPID or what! ...<<<Read More>>>....