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Sunday 17 July 2022

The Pills Make it Possible

 In the ‘truther’ world, or whatever you want to call it, we talk a lot about mind control, social engineering, the manipulation of the public by corporations, and the larger agendas coming from think tanks and supranational organizations, like our fantastic reset friends at the WEF.

We also talk about the cognitive dissonance required to maintain a semblance of faith in governments and media organizations which continually lie, deceive, mislead, coerce and steal from the general public, and what it takes to create such an astronomical amount of self-delusion amongst so many millions of people who love to extoll the magnificence of freedom.

Recently I was reviewing Aldous Huxley’s dystopian classic, Brave New World, and I was reminded of just how important psychotropic slavery is to an agenda big enough to control the entire population of the world. Even if said population were to mysteriously dwindle to, oh, say 500 million people.

Here’s a quote from the forward of the book:

The love of servitude cannot be established except as the result of a deep, personal revolution in human minds and bodies. To bring about that revolution we require, among others, the following discoveries and inventions. First, a greatly improved technique of suggestion through infant conditioning and, later, with the aid of drugs, such as scopolamine. Second, a fully developed science of human differences, enabling government managers to assign any given individual to his or her proper place in the social and economic hierarchy. (Round pegs in square holes tend to have dangerous thoughts about the social system and to infect others with their discontents.) Third (since reality, however Utopian, is something from which people feel the need of taking pretty frequent holidays), a substitute for alcohol and the other narcotics, something at once less harmful and more pleasure-giving than gin or heroin. And fourth (but this would be a long-term project, which it would take generations of totalitarian control to bring to a successful conclusion) a foolproof system of eugenics, designed to standardize the human product and so to facilitate the task of the managers. In Brave New World this standardization of the human product has been pushed to fantastic, though not perhaps impossible, extremes.”-Aldous Huxley, Brave New World...<<<Read More>>>...