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Thursday 4 August 2022

Covid “Vaccine” News: Big Tech Continue to Censor but People Continue to Wake Up

 Big Tech is still trying to control the message, they do not want anyone to find out how deadly the Covid injections are. But German vaccine-injury insurance claims and 1250+ peer-reviewed studies reveal what Big Tech is trying to keep hidden. To add to Big Tech’s woes, Canadian court documents reveal that travel bans imposed on the vaccine-free had no scientific basis.

Africa is waking up to Big Pharma and the “world government.” In the USA, 130 coast guards take legal action against vaccine mandates. Italy makes a resounding U-turn and announces all medical staff who had been suspended for not having a Covid injection can return to work. And some good news out of Israel – Israelis refuse to inject their youngest with expired gene therapy drugs.

We tried to run a simple two-question survey to find out just how safe or unsafe the vaccines are. Google refused to let us ask the questions.

Clearly, they don’t want anyone to know the truth. The only truth they want you to know is what the government tells you.

Last week, YouTube censored a video conversation between Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Chris Martenson. The reason they gave was that YouTube doesn’t allow “claims about Covid-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization.”

On Thursday, July 21, in the lead-up to World Ivermectin Day, Twitter permanently suspended the World Council for Health from the platform without warning.

Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT who published a recent paper with Dr. Peter McCullough looking at whether mRNA vaccines may be causing illness and death, had her account suspended last week as well.

The list of attendees at this ‘blocked party’ is, truthfully, too hard to keep up with....<<<Read More>>>...