Many of our relationships can be
fleeting or do not deepen past a superficial level, yet these
connections, as trivial as they can seem, often have the potential to
grow into something much more essential. When we crave community, we
should focus our attention on these casual acquaintances. To forge a
bond with neighbors, we need to work together with them so that we have a
context from which to begin a more mature relationship. Sharing tasks
that are part of living can be a wonderful way to become a part of a
larger community, make new friends, and lighten the workloads of
everyone involved.
Creating a network of neighbors who agree to pool certain resources and
share daily duties can be as easy as taking the initiative. If you are
willing to take the first step by reaching out to the individuals and
families who share your building or your street, you will likely find
that others are receptive to the notion. Starting small, with just a few
people, can help you orchestrate a smoothly running system. Together,
you will need to decide what chores you want to do communally and what
resources can be shared. Ideas for community sharing are child care,
errands, housework, keeping a joint garden, cooking for the group, and
carpooling. For instance, if you cook large meals for four neighbors
once a week, you take off four nights after that. As you grow to trust
one another, you can begin adding new members to your evolving network
or introducing new tasks to your shared roster of duties.
Actions speak louder than words, so working closely with neighbors to
ensure the well-being of the group can be a wonderful way to build a
sense of community in your locale. Not everyone you approach will be
open to the idea of becoming a part of a network of sharing. As you
connect with those who do appreciate the merits of such a system, you
will discover that others are just as eager as you are to create
interpersonal connections that are defined by substance (Daily OM)
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