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Saturday, 10 September 2022

A Critical Look At The World Part II


In the light of recent events .. we have chosen to undertake a Daily Merlin at this moment in time. It is the second in the 'A Critical Look At The World' series, and it continues as an intuitive look into the world that the Globalists wish us 'Useless Eaters' to perceive. 

The big secret behind the earth plane is that it is a 'manifestation plane' ... it is the visual reality that has been created by human thoughts and perceptions. Bu controlling the perceptions and the thoughts of the masses, you create and control reality. The imposters have deviously got human kind to think them into power and control. Our job is now to reverse the process and change the world around us ... 

FOCUS - is 'The Lamp' and is of the Perception suit of the cards. It deals with what is our focus and how we focus on these things. It is linked to our mind voice and how we listen to this inner voice. It is linked to the focus of our creative imagination. Sadly, it is that which has been lost, from any early age it is drilled out of us. The inner voice is then told what to think and what to create by the witchcraft of the Globalists.

Because so may of us are now awakening to the truth and begin to think more freely and creatively, their power is being lost. What we see appears to be 'the agenda' and all under their control. But, because they tell us those things by way of their corrupt media and other outlets, it is what they WANT you to believe. It is a false perception they put out to us. The world as their media portrays it ... is nothing like the real one that is out there.

CLEANSING shows a burning spectre beyond the twin towers of Diath .... beyond the abyss which is seen in the Duality image. This image initially offers hope, with the name of the card and the image. But what is being cleansed here?  Cleansing is the 9 of Cups and has the magick glyph of 'The Light Of Success' ... and the affirmation 'bathe in the light of success which shines around you. Nurture that which you hold for it is yours to bear.'. The meaning 'the road to success has been a long and arduous one. It's time to bath in those cool waters of material happiness for a while.'.

This image sounds very ominous. It suggests success for The Globalists. However ... all of this is the ILLUSION they are projecting to us. This image is under the Kabbalah sephiroth of  Yesod .... which we call the land of illusion. It is all illusory and not a real projection. Thus any success the Globalists broadcast through media outlets and web sites will be illusion and lies ...

The Globalists camp have an agenda and are rolling it out as if nothing has changed, and they are still succeeding in their vision.  They are trying to fool the human populace with their stage show.

OPPORTUNITIES is another of the Perception suit of cards. It's glyph is 'Cornucopia' and relates to the visions of world around us where we see the tokens of material success, and the perceptions that have be programmed into us to crave these tokens. For decades they have freely permitted us to obtain these tokens and we are made to believe they are valuable. Now, by taking these tokens away one by one they plan to gain the upper hand ... to those who comply to their morbid whims, they will give some of the tokens back. It is their control mechanism and lack of these tokens is a means for them to control us through fear. 

From the combination of images to date Focus-Cleansing-Opportunities there is an indication of tidal wave of change coming. The Globalists still appear to have the control mechanisms fully in motion, but it doesn't feel this way. 

Queen Elizabeth II has given way to King Charles III and Boris Johnson has given away to Elizabeth Truss ... which are the tinsel town scripts the Globalists wanted playing. But it is for appearances only. 

THE SHADOW has the magic Glyph 'Probation' and relates to the temptation of meeting all aspects of self. The shadow is an aspect of self and needs to be acknowledged. The Globalists represent our dark aspects - our 'Shadow'. It indicates just how nasty the human race can be. How evil. As you stand watching the actions of The Shadow and you feel doubt, indecision and fear ... it is time to act not react How much more of the evil capabilities of the human psyche do you need to be shown until you will do something to change the way you think and you act differently?

 The shadows is the inversion or the reflection of the true self. Nothing is as it appears to be. Not this time ... the snowball is coming close to standing still ... 

TREE OF LIFE has the magick glyph 'Experience' and reminds us all of the magic that is human existence. A reminder of the creator and its name imprinted in our DNA. It reminds us of our human identity and the reason for stepping into the material plane. We are all spiritual consciousness within a virtual reality matrix experiencing a series of physical existences. The Globalists are attempting to erase and break our connection with spiritual consciousness and tap us into their crazy state of awareness that will be ruled by A.I. If they could succeed then we would no longer be a sound wave hologram of the creator, instead we would become a patented product within their crazy internet of things and lost forever ...

So many of us are now waking up out of the enchantment they put over mankind ... it began in and around the 1850's when they began reintroducing a new version of mankind with limited DNA active .... however, we have not be easy to control and they now are desperate to reaffirm their control over us and put us in a sub-virtual reality within this virtual reality. A sub-reality that will have no way of escaping .....

Do you think the creator is not aware of this plan? They are part of the creator after all. Is it not a series of challenges for us to face? Through us the creator can learn about itself and all of its aspects. The globalists are only as clever as we permit them to be, and it is the creator that permits us to get to this point. It is all about experiences and learning. However, a scant few humans may be tempted into trans-humanism and the metaverse. They will be lost and it will spark another fall ... another rescue mission as aspects of the human collective fall further .... here is where we are at.....