Be very sure when you see a light in the sky (UFO, shooting star, meteor) that it is REALLY there. Project Blue Beam has become very advanced these days.
It's very likely that a profusion of HOLOGRAMS are going to to be sighted around the world; leading up to the main objective ... an ALIEN INVASION.
It will be the ultimate bullshit fear narrative ... getting the gullible human race to hand their freedoms over to the NWO.... be warned!
Several people in Mexico posted a video of a mysterious UFO that circled
the night sky. Reportedly, a strange event occurred last Wednesday
evening in the town of Tequila, located in the state of Jalisco.
According to, at least four groups of people who were out that night spotted the peculiar sight, which resembled a set of glowing lights that seemingly slowly spun in the sky until vanishing into thin air.
virtue of the event having so many witnesses, it wound up being
captured on film from multiple vantage points, which allows for a rather
unique perspective on the peculiar aerial anomaly....<<<Read More>>>...