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Sunday 13 November 2022

Astrology Forecast November 13th – 20th, 2022

 The total lunar eclipse across Taurus/Scorpio-signs of Illumination and Death-downloaded freedom codes in preparation for the permanent switching of the planetary train tracks in 2023. Frame this Post Eclipse Shift as a collective and personal pattern interrupt.

As the eclipse defrag/reboot continues to deliver tangible, physical, economic and political shifts right through next year, your choice is clear:

  • either fixate on the imaginary chains that bind you or on the key that sets you free.
  • either stay hypnotised by the drama of the old world burning or focus on your new creations

Everywhere you look, the New is gradually overriding the old, amplified this week by aspects to Jupiter the expansionist from Venus, Mercury and the Sun. On November 16/17, Venus and Mercury enter Jupiter’s visionary sign of Sagittarius together. From next week, they will start a series of conjunctions to the Great Attractor, whose strapline is: On the wavelength of the Creator’s voice.

Factor in that linear progress from A to B is unlikely, since Mars is retrograde in Gemini until January 12th making an exact square to slippery Neptune on November 19th.All sorts of unpredictable variables will cause delays, false starts, backtracking and regrouping. See it playing out already in Russia’s retreat from Kherson, in Musk’s purge of Twitter and Trump’s loss of momentum.

We are now in the In-Between- the start of the transition into Pluto’s Aquarian paradigm from the death clutches of Saturnian Capricorn. Let what comes, come. Let what goes,go....<<<Read More>>>...