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Monday 16 January 2023

Just how sinister is Klaus Schwab?

The issue, to my mind, isn't whether Klaus Schwab and his cronies are trying to implement various policies in different countries without worrying about democratic accountability - if that's a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy in plain sight. Rather, the question is about how it goes about doing this.

My view is that the WEF, via annual jamborees like the one that's about to kick off in Davos, has been so successful at selling its policy solutions to 'crises' such as the pandemic, 'global heating' and the 'infodemic' - to PR-ing them, you might say - it doesn't have to worry about the mechanics of implementing them. That's where the conspiracy theorists go wrong. They make all sorts of implausible claims about the degree of control exercised by Schwab and his coterie of billionaire buddies over senior political leaders because, in their minds, that's the only way to make sense of the fact that so many governments are dancing to the WEF's tune.

But above all, there's no need for such micromanagement because the world's senior political leaders, with a handful of exceptions, have already embraced the broad sweep of the WEF's policy agenda. Schwab is the global power elite's in-house public intellectual; he's not a puppet-master. Indeed, if he tried to be he would soon lose his intellectual influence.

But merely pointing to the political figures who've been to Davos, or were once members of the WEF's Young Global Leaders initiative, doesn't prove that Schwab controls them in the way the conspiracy theorists imagine, only that they're likely to be influenced by him and his policy agenda when it comes to framing their own solutions to the global problems the WEF is constantly flagging up. Yes, Schwab boasts about penetrating the Cabinets of various governments, but I interpret that as egotistical braggadocio and fundraising flimflam, not a rare moment of candour. Let's face it. If he really was a Bond villain he wouldn't dress like one or do his best to sound like one....<<<Read More>>>...