Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 5 January 2023

You Defeat The Great Reset, Then What?

 Imagine for a moment that undeniable truth is permeated to the masses about unforgivable levels of government corruption. COVID cover ups by Prime Ministers and Presidents are revealed, and secret plans to take freedoms from the masses at any cost are revealed. Insert whatever else you want revealed about corruption too.

Now imagine all the Great Reset founders and elitists responsible for these things are put in jail and can’t affect society anymore. Characters like Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, and Justin Trudeau, for example, are in jail for ‘what they’ve done.’

Before we say “it’d be a good start,” really take it in: ‘Their plans’ have been defeated. Do you have a sense of what you would want our world to look like if the elitist controllers were actually removed from power? Have you thought about what would practically happen next or change within our society?...<<<Read More>>>...