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Sunday 5 February 2023

Covid Related News: ICD codes have been changed to track uninjected people and Bill Gates isn’t entirely sure whether he’s God

 Bill Gates avoided answering whether he’s God when asked by an interviewer on BBC. The US Government is using a change in ICD codes to track people who chose not to have a covid injection. There has been a low uptake of bivalent boosters so the FDA is trying a new vaccine strategy. And the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) says the covid pandemic is “probably at a transition point.”

There’s big news out of Thailand. Tragically the Princess of Thailand has been vaccine-injured and is still in a coma. Thai officials are now looking to declare the Government’s contract with Pfizer-BioNTech null and void.

The BBC has been releasing several trailers to highlight a new interview with Bill Gates that was broadcast yesterday: “Amol Rajan visits Kenya, where Bill Gates through his foundation is supporting local farms and hospitals. Gates talks about wealth and recent conspiracies and controversies.”

He’s at pains to get across his “philanthropy.” And then there’s his fondness for popularising the likelihood of pandemics. No other figure bangs on so much about vaccines and the need for humanity to protect itself from pandemics like Bill Gates.

But the inevitable conclusion seems to be that he has some type of weird God Delusion … that he is completely, stark-raving, insane. Oh, and likes making a return on his self-fulfilling prophecies.

Interestingly, Rajan asks him the question: Are you God? Gate’s answer isn’t especially definitive. It’s given by someone who might just think he is.

The US federal government is tracking people who decided not to get the covid injection, according to federal government records and video exclusively obtained by National File.

According to the shocking video, unvaccinated people are quietly tracked when they go to the doctor’s office or to the hospital due to a quiet new program proposed and implemented by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Government meeting materials make clear that the new program is designed to “track people who are not immunised or only partially immunised.”

Within the International Statistical Classification of Diseases revision 10 (“ICD-10”) codes, there is a category known as “ICD-10-CM” codes (which are reportedly used by the CDC for tracking purposes), and this “CM” category includes the new “Unvaccinated for covid-19” category and also the “Partially Vaccinated For covid-19” category and the “other under immunisation status” category....<<<Read More>>>...