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Tuesday 12 December 2023

COVID was a high-tech coup d’état that hasn’t gone away: Lockdowns 2.0, great reset coming soon

 March 2020, the month and year the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" was decreed, marked a significant change in the direction of civilization. Like 9/11 before it, the world has never been the same since – and there is much more to come.

The lockdowns, business and school closures, mask and vaccine mandates, and social distancing-driven fear of others that the world suffered through in the years that followed COVID's launch in early 2020 were only just a taste of the much-worse future the globalists have planned for the world.

"What happened in March 2020 was a high-tech coup d'état against rights and freedoms," warns the Brownstone Institute. "It has not gone away. That's why there have been no apologies for the pandemic response. Too many people got rich, and they got most of what they wanted as a start to the Great Reset."

"There will be many more crises: more weird diseases, more anomalous weather patterns, more and unexpected reasons to panic the population into society-wide panic for another 'all-of-government' response. The mainstream media will fall in line just like the last time. Same with all major social media and major corporate voices, all backed by deep-state bureaucracies, some of which didn't even exist a decade ago."

Government brutality was made acceptable, at least to some, as a result of COVID. It enshrined the globalist-led effort to communize the world, and not in a good way, by making it seem reasonable to basically shut down the world in order to keep everyone "safe."

There is almost no other excuse that would have flown other than to bombard the public with nonstop propaganda about a "virus" floating around and infecting people at will. To the fearful, this was more than enough to justify hitting the pause button on human living for as long as the government and media say are necessary.

What happened during COVID completely contradicts what the founding fathers of the United States, at least, designed and intended for Americans. All it took to turn the entire Constitution on its head was the threat of getting sick from an "infectious disease" that many now believe was concocted in a communist Chinese laboratory using U.S. tax dollars.

Though things have cooled some since the start of the "pandemic," do not be fooled: the deep state is not done with everyone yet. Expect lockdowns 2.0, except this time with concentration "quarantine" camps to house the "sick" and "infected." All it will take is another catalyst to fool the masses.

There will be more crises that the powers have planned to destabilize the peace, stir up a bunch more fear, and voila: another fake "pandemic" is born.

"Make no mistake: representative government, as it came to be called, is right now in the process of being replaced by a biosecurity state that cares nothing for what its subjects believe or say," the Brownstone Institute further explains. "It's massive transformation, and so shocking because we never thought we would live in such times." ....<<<Read More>>>...