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Sunday 17 December 2023

#PlasmidGate: Biotechnician raises plasmid DNA contamination in covid injections during Austrian TV talk show

 Two days after German television station MDR aired a report about foreign DNA contamination found in vials of covid injection, a panellist on a popular Austrian talk show spoke about PlasmidGate; vaccines contaminated with plasmid DNA.

On Thursday, Austrian television station Servus TV aired its talk show ‘Talk on Hanger-7’ titled ‘Corona instead of Christmas: Is there a threat of compulsory measures again?’ to discuss whether there is a looming threat of covid restrictions being re-implemented in light of the new Pirola variant of covid reportedly being on the rise.

Monitoring of wastewater, it is claimed, suggests a record-breaking wave of covid in the country and the number of sick days due to colds and flu is higher than ever. Of course, neither of those is a good enough reason to mandate restrictions which cost lives and livelihoods, and destroy the economy.

According to a survey conducted in 2021, about 33% of the Austrian population watch a Servus TV programme at least once a week to keep up to date with covid.

It’s not unusual for Servus TV to challenge the official narrative. For example, the director of Servus TV Ferdinand Wegscheider in his commentary series ‘Der Wegscheider’ explained that the covid injections were “insufficiently tested” and contained “genetically modified substances.” He also mentioned ivermectin as a treatment and regularly speaks of the “plandemic.” Microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi is a frequent guest on Servus TV.

Michael Fleischhacker hosted the discussion on Talk on Hanger-7 on Thursday. Guests included epidemiologist Klaus Stöhr, medical journalist Werner Bartens, psychoneuroimmunologist Christian Schubert, medical historian Daniela Angetter-Pfeiffer and biotechnician and former VP of German Pharmaceutical firm Boehringer Ingelheim Dr. Monika Henninger-Erber.

The original talk show is in German and Servus TV is not available outside of Europe. However, Aussie17 managed to obtain a clip and has added English subtitles to it (see below).

During the discussion, Dr. Henninger-Erber spoke about PlasmidGate. In February, microbiologist Kevin McKernan pioneered research on testing some of the covid-19 vaccine vials and discovered unacceptable levels of double-stranded DNA plasmids floating around. This is DNA contamination. He found the contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials. Since then, several laboratories around the world have confirmed his findings....<<<Read More>>>...