Catherine Austin Fitts is an American investment banker and former
public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read &
Co. and United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development for Housing during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She
is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of The Solari Report, and
managing member of Solari Investment Screens. She also co-founded Sea
Lane Advisory.
Solari’s website publishes articles, reports and
videos. As well as on Solari’s website, videos are uploaded on
Solari’s YouTube channel HERE and Rumble HERE.
30 December, Austin Fitts joined Greg Hunter, host of USA Watchdog, to
discuss The Solari Report’s publication titled ‘The Future of Financial
Freedom’ which is a wrap-up for the first quarter of 2023. The
publication is available to Solari Report subscribers.
this conversation, she also spoke about property confiscation and total
control – the enslavement of the world – by the United Nations through
the World Health Organisation and other affiliated organisations.
is well worth watching Austin Fitts’ interview below as it covers
broader geopolitical events from a financial or monetary perspective.
The subject of weather warfare even entered the discussion. As you can
imagine, what we have noted in this article doesn’t do the information
she shares justice...<<<Read More>>>...
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