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Monday 5 February 2024

United Airlines SUED over harassment and bullying of unvaxxed employees instigated by WOKE CEO Scott Kirby

Employees of United Airlines are suing the company for harassing and bullying its unvaccinated managers and co-workers during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

LGBT drag queen and United CEO Scott Kirby is accused of being the chief instigator who ring-led the mistreatment of his company's unvaccinated employees, branding them with "Scarlet Letter"-style stickers as a humiliation ritual.

"In late 2020, Kirby began trying to leverage [the COVID-19] crisis for United's benefit by publicly discussing a potential vaccine mandate," the court filing states. "In January 2021, without telling his executive team beforehand, Kirby made national headlines by stating that United should mandate a COVID-19 vaccine for its 60,000 employees."

After Kirby launched these theatrics, many United employees filed for a medical or religious exemption to avoid being forcibly jabbed by their cross-dressing medical fascist CEO, only to be "sacrificed on the altar of Kirby's quest," to quote LifeSiteNews, to "advertise a 100 percent [employee] vaccination rate after deciding that marketing was more important than its employees' civil rights."

"United's actions had their desired effect, as bullying and harassment became commonplace across United's workforce," the lawsuit further states. "Ultimately, the record is clear that United's employees felt free to criticize accommodated employees when they saw their CEO doing the same thing."...<<<Read More>>>...