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Saturday 2 March 2024

Klaus Schwab: Your avatar will live after you die and your brains will be replicated with algorithms

 At a private World Economic Forum session in September 2022, Klaus Schwab told Global Shapers that their avatar will continue to live after they die and that their brains will be replicated through artificial intelligence.

He told the Global Shapers this just months before WEF launched its version of the metaverse.

The Global Shapers Community was founded by Schwab and the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) in 2012. It brings together people under the age of 30 who have been identified by WEF as potential leaders.

Author Ernst Wolff believes it is a proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus. It is akin to a WEF indoctrination programme just as is WEF’s Young Global Leaders.

“You have the chance to look forward to a career of 50 years … Maybe more, you will get some injections and so on. Don’t forget your avatar will continue to live and your brain will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms. So, we don’t know, but at least 50 years,” Schwab told the Global Shapers at a private WEF session.

It’s not clear why the Global Shapers in the audience clapped and laughed at Schwab’s idea of extending their lives with avatars, algorithms and injections. His is truly a dystopian plan as we explain later in this article. If they knew what Schwab and his collaborators had in store for them and had any common sense or self-respect they would have chosen to throw rotten eggs at him.

A few months after his seemingly entertaining chat to the Global Shapers, Schwab was again plugging avatars with the help of his partners, Accenture and Microsoft.

The metaverse is a technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality. It has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered. And, the World Economic Forum has been taking steps to have control over it....<<<Read More>>>...