Electricity is a bigger cause of problems and far more dangerous than most people imagine. If you spend most of your day close to or working with an electricity supply or electrical equipment, the chances of developing cancer are considerably increased.
There are many ways in which our modern environment can cause cancer, can damage the human immune system and can increase our susceptibility and vulnerability to many different types of disease – including infections and cancer.
But electricity is almost certainly a much bigger cause of problems – and far more dangerous – than most people imagine.
If you spend most of your time working with or close to an electrical appliance, if you live or work near to an electricity supply line or if you spend your days working with electrical equipment then the chances of you developing cancer of one sort or another are considerably increased.
Of course, the men in suits won’t tell you this. They’ll frighten you half to death about minority threats such as AIDS and radon because the former is a politically and commercially useful threat and the latter seems like an excellent way to boost the building industry, but they won’t give you any warning about the danger of electricity because they don’t want to annoy the many large and powerful business interests which sell, market, service or supply electricity and electrical equipment....<<<Read More>>>...
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