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Monday 21 October 2024

Keir Starmer’s game play is to take us back into the E.U!

 It appears at first glance, that the current prime minister can’t seem to do right from wrong, he claims he only wants what is good for the people of the UK, however, the man is tying himself in knots to appease the ones who own him and his party, the unions. They have him and his crazy cabinet over a barrel already, and they are making him pay through the teeth for the privilege while holding the whole nation to ransom. However, looking closer, is this all part of a hidden agenda and a joint effort between them to destroy this nation, so we beg to return to the European Union with our tails between our legs?

This socialist Labour party has made its stance very clear, and even though they have denied that it wants us back in this corrupt block, they have already told us recently that we need to have a ‘closer’ relationship with our European ‘allies’. However, they are well aware of the outrage this would cause, so, instead of making it so blatant, their agenda would be so much more effective if the screw was tightened upon every aspect of English life. Destroying everything we hold dear, and making a mockery of the Brexit dream.

Allowing the unions to run a mock with the UK finances, demands coming from all corners of the public sector, and at the same time, destroying industries that made this country great. Shutting down centuries-old production of steel, and making us import cheap, inferior goods, under the guise of net zero, while we pay through the nose for the privilege. These people are lining up for their pound of flesh, and they will not stop until England is completely ruined for generations to come. This is just the beginning of a tirade of abuse that is being inflicted on the rest of hard-working families, private sector and small business owners, who have to absorb the cost, leaving millions of people’s futures in jeopardy.

The chancellor is going to recoup these payouts with hikes on the very people they should be protecting, but the truth is, this government wouldn’t have had a chance of creating this shady plan, without the votes of the unions at the recent general election. They did a deal to get Starmer and his crew into No10, as long as he bowed to the union demands.

All that being said, where will that leave the average, struggling families across this country?…well don’t think for a minute these players care, because they had one objective, to get their hands on the purse of this nation, to destroy what the majority of the country had been working towards after the Brexit referendum, and return us to open borders, and the reliance on other countries for our fuel, steel, food and laws....<<<Read More>>>...