So you think the continuity of consciousness after physical death is just a bunch of faith-based woo-woo?
You think it’s something cooked up to make us feel better about our inevitable journey from the womb to the rubbish heap of physical decay?
You think the notion of a timeless existence outside the framework of the physical universe is too vague and slippery ever to be taken seriously by our culture’s arbiters of reality – the sciences?
Please think again.
Until recently, the belief that the whole of reality is based in matter has dominated our modern understanding of space, time, life and death. Most tellingly, our consciousness has been viewed as little more than an illusory by-product of mechanistic brain activity.
But over the past half-century, Western science – traditionally hemmed in by materialistic assumptions – has begun to wriggle free of this centuries-old ideological straitjacket and is breaking some astonishing new ground. In fact, there are now at least fifteen promising avenues of post-materialist scientific investigation currently underway, quite apart from modern physics’ excursions into the mysterious quantum realm!
The majority of these inquiries point distinctly toward the possibility, if not the near-certainty, of a “greater reality” in nature that includes what we call the “afterlife.”
My new book, A New Science of the Afterlife: Space, Time, and the Consciousness Code (Inner Traditions, 2023), delves into each of these intriguing fields of inquiry.
I peek behind the “veil” to ask, “What is the veil, anyway?” and venture a strikingly clear and simple answer. I also take a critical look at the language we use in connection with the afterlife, exposing the militant cult of scepticism that has delayed bonafide afterlife research for decades and that has scoffed at the succinct accounts, from a variety of sources, of the transition to the “next life” and of what one might expect when one arrives there....<<<Read More>>>...