Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Breaking The Spell

"Three things will transform life on Earth and remove the reptilean control of the human psyche:-

  1. We let go of our fear of what other people thing of us and we express our uniqueness of view and lifestyle, even (no, especially) if it differs from the norm. At this point we cease to be a sheep following the flock;
  2. We allow everyone else to do the same without fear of it being ridiculed or condemned for the crime of it being different. When we do this we cease to be the sheep dog for the rest of the flock, pressuring them to conform to what we believe is right;
  3. No-one seeks to impose what they believe on anyone else, so always respecting freewill and free choice.

There is no way the Brotherhood Agenda can survive such changes in attitude.

People ask me what they should do in response to my information, but I never answer that question. The only person who knows what is best for you, is you. The trick is to clear the channel to your higher dimensions so you can connect with the highest level of your wisdom, love and inspiration to guide you to do what is most appropriate for you.

We need to remove the egg shell of low vibrational emotion - fear - and the law of vibrational attraction will connect us with all people and organisations to help transform this planet. When we get ourselves right, the world must become right because we are the world and the world is us. "

Taken from 'The Biggest Secret' By David Icke