Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 16 February 2007

The Chronicles Of Ezra PART 4

COMMUNION - The forging of the legacy

Contemplative Teachings - 1
I am one with the universal consciousness.
I am at one with all of creation
I feel the universal consciousness flow through me
I am the universal consciousness
I am I
I am at one
I am at peace
All is well

A strange light flickered in my mind. An energy I had never felt before. A power I knew existed, but I never once dared to think I possessed. I had the power to create like the divine creator itself. I had been at this point before, but centuries before I didnt know what the crossroad was. None of us did ... I, we, The One, had to have the experience to understand. We see now that physical existence is all contrasts and reflections. When we split into two separated forms we did not realise the mistake we had made. The genetic experiments were new to us. We did not know of the consequences. Some of our voices warned that what we were doing was in direct opposition to views of the united one. We were deaf and blind. Curious we ventured forth and fell. We severed our links with The One and forgot.

But we were never forgotten.

No, The One, who some choose to call god - YHVH - never forgot us. Instead it devised ways and means to communicate with us. To keep track of us. It released it had to save us. It had to rescue us from the pit we had fallen into.

The One
The oneness in which we all belong
The One which is all of creation
All things are one
Not many
We are all one and equal
We cannot be separated forever
A circle is bound to return to the start
A wheel does turn and keeps turning
So shall we....

I was excited by the prospect of it all. I realised all my learning was a preparation, it wasnt for now. Not this incarnation. No, I am powerless. We are powerless. When we meet, there will be nothing we can do ... but prepare. For we must prepare for when the wheel next comes round. For when the universe feels the light of the central sun once more. For when the time of darkness we have just entered comes to an end. For when the circle returns to the start. That will be when we will slowly remember and rejoin again. Now is not the time. Mankind has yet to have the experience it requires. Mankind must still face thousands of years of torture as its shadow has control, and enjoys its power and tries to destroy itself.

Let Belial have its fun.

We cannot be destroyed
Matter cannot be destroyed
It becomes something else and moves on
NO matter can be ended
Existence is eternal
There is only life
There is no death

Belial may teach that after death you cease to exist. But he is wrong. Life is eternal. On a tree through eternity you climb. You move from one bough to another. Your consciousness changes. You learn and grow. You choose to rise or fall. You don’t die! Your physical form may be shed but your energy moves on!

I feel powerful. Not in a selfish way, but in a conscious sort of way. I am now part of something mighty. I have lost fear and transcended human limitations. I see the wider picture. I see mankind walking into an experience which is a spiralling path. I, we, get to this point again but at a higher level. A new plateau - higher than before. The One is pulling us up.

The second fell to rescue the first
But The One lost the second as well as the first
Now The One must rescue the first and the second who fell
Know The One will not send a third

Volunteers have fallen in dribs and drabs. Angelic beings who know the consequences of the material plane, but who are willingly prepared to sacrifice their position in the higher consciousness to aid those who had fallen. But we are all facets of The One, the fallen and the angelic ‘rescuers’. We all work together to drag the remainder of the blind away from the reflection; from the allure of the physical world ... they do not need that experience anymore. Slowly, one by one for many mortal centuries we will save. Gradually, light will be greater than dark and we will attain.

Dark is more powerful than light
Light must fool dark
Dark is selfish and blind
Dark is ignorant, light is caring
Light is patient, dark is petulant and violent.

I know we will get there in the end. The Lemurian prophecies predict a favourable end. As one we will return back into the heavens. We will vacate our desecrated Eden and head back to the stars.

I know this. I have been told. I connect with my inner being ... my inner being is one with The One ... my inner being has never lost connection with The One. It hears its voice all the time. I had just forgotten where the signal was in my consciousness. I had been fooled by the material glamours and temptations. But I remember now. The One has rescued another one.

But know I must forget once more
I must bear many faces and commit many crimes
I must bear the guilt again
I must let the guilt form a shell around the truth
I must be lost again
But I am happy in knowing I will remember again
I cannot lose the truth, it is within us all.

I came out of my meditation with a sudden jolt. I had connected totally with the source this time. I now understood the meditation many years before when I had advanced into the light. It had been the light of the source. I had nearly killed myself! Now, I was ready to venture into that light and take on board the consciousness expansion. I was ready. I had been preparing for it for the last ten years!

I turned to Akrah and smiled. I am ready my friend.

We were still in the hall of records within the mountain range of Atlan island. The others had yet to arrive. We had been told by the source that soon they would be here. We had also been warned that the cult of Belial would discover us not long after. A fight would ensue and a number of us would be murdered. They would be the weak links. The ones not ready. It would be as it was meant. There had to be no sadness.

Ezra, it is time I gave you a special name.
I gazed at my friend in surprise. But we don’t bear any names. Anyway I have been given Ezra.

No, I must give you another one. A hierarchy name. I have to call you Mara Gimel, The Camel Of The Great Sea..


Not yet. Accept the name. You will find out why in time.

I was curious. So what is your special name?

Mikel. Now stop asking questions.

What is my role in all of this, I asked Akrah later. I was confused by an array of ideas and impression which had filled my mind since he announced my new name.

My friend. I cannot say any more. Not at the moment. Let destiny proceed and reveal it to you. Besides, we must prepare. We must find where Belial infiltrates our stronghold.

And that was that. Akrah wouldnt say any more about the mystery. His answer had failed to stem my curiosity. I suspected I was about embark on another initiation of some kind. I had learnt over the many years of demotions and humiliations to cease the questioning and do what the teacher asks of you.

Thus I followed Akrah out of what was left of the great hall into the labyrinth - a series of narrow, circular connecting tunnels; all damp and almost pitch black. The sound of running water ahead breaking the dismal silence. We wandered silently, Akrah checking and back checking our progress so as not to get lost. Every once in a while he would stop and inspect a wall. Presently, we came back on ourselves as we entered the great hall from another direction. I watched as Akrah wandered to a lower part of the hall, which once served as sleeping quarters and rubbed his hand along a section of the wall. The hall filled with phosphorescent light; he had activated the concealed light source.

I gazed around the hall and felt immediate sadness. There wasnt much left of the grandeur of the place. It was in ruins. Pillar and podiums lay in ruins. The arched ceiling had collapsed in some places. There was red dust and debris everywhere. I found it impossible to equate this place to any memory I might possess of it. Had I really been here before?

Had I really been in an existence that spent most of its time here learning the ancient secrets?

When a soul learns it forgets
It discards the memory
Keeping only the teaching
The teaching becoming in turn part of its consciousness

We sat down on what was once a central podium; an area of flat rock laminated with a skin of clear crystal. Its surface now pitted and cracked. It would have been where the students sat while receiving their teachings from the priests. We closed our eyes and prepared for a series of affirmations and meditations.

Unless the cult priests know of hidden ancient entry points, I cannot see how they can enter here. Akrah spoke barely above a whisper. It is possible they know of ways in that I don’t. From a lower level. I have been in here many times and thought I knew all entry points. I could be wrong.

He was visibly anxious. There was a black edge to his mental field - a colour I had not seen before in his consciousness. I sensed he was fearful.

Forging The Link
Ahead of me was the brilliance of the live giver. Her warmth filled my being with all the positive aspects of creation. I was able to forget the manifest plane and its increasing problems. This was the design of the visualisation. The visualisation I had begun with still sounded in my consciousness - I am light. I am made of the light of the source. The source light will guide me. I am the source light. I am one with the source light.

I deliberately forgot I had a thought form and began to merge myself into the light of the life giver. I felt myself rising. Heading towards that mighty orb of light. Until I became part of the life giver. I kept travelling and entered a huge sea of light. I was the light and the light accepted me as part of its structure. Presently, the vision changed. My consciousness could not comprehend the transition which had befallen me.

At my feet; I had regained a form; was a road composed of living vibrant energy. I knew from its consciousness it wished me to venture on its surface and not merge with it. This I did with ease. I found the road to be straight, without a single deviation. Ahead of me I could see a dark ball of light. I shivered at its existence but was assured all was okay. The road seemed to move downwards and the dark sun was on the horizon. I headed slowly to the horizon. I was nervous.

Then I was no longer alone. First another essence stood to my left; then a second stood on my right. Then there was four of us. Then five. Then six. Then ten. Then fifty. Soon there was too many to count. We all shared the experience; had the same thought; the same intention. We floating through the universe toward a unknown destination. It was our destiny.

Suddenly, a vale of shadow - like a cloud - lifted form the orb on the horizon and a non-blinding light filled our senses. We all soared high, leaving the road of light below us. Instantly we all merged as one and hovered in front of the mighty orb.

The orb then chose to speak to us. It was sad at the time of misery which was to come upon us. It made no apologies. It merely talked to us as if we were children; for in truth we were; and explained we would be rescued after a time of high adventure. An adventure that would take us across many oceans; would make us see many things; taste all the seventeen fears; come to terms with being human trapped on the manifest plane. Then would all meet up once more and discuss with the teacher what we had seen and where we had been. We would all soon forget the road and the life we would have. We would be the lost children of The One. The legacy. The chosen for want of a better word. The children of the shadow - the cult of Belial - would endeavour to dilute and damn our words; would force the facets of mankind into major hardship and declare us as evil. The cult of Belial would become the house of god in many different forms and our way would be forgotten. But through time we would rest and hide and wait for the time of light. The time when the black cloud would leave the central sun and we would all remember again. WE would be the legacy. We would be a structure of living thoughts for all of mankind to read should there be a need. We would become a mystical enigma. A school of thought shrouded in doubt and fear and initiation. We would be there as guardians and guides for scholars of the mysteries who would come in search of the truth. And all the while the word of god under the guise of Belial would deny mankind the truth and introduce falsehood to mislead.

As one we knew it would be so.

I came too and stood up. Akrah was awake and was staring at me with amusement. I have met them. I have met them. My friend, they were with me!

I know.

How? I asked an obvious question. The type a first time student would ask its first ever teacher. I immediately felt stupid. I knew the answer myself. He had been there too. It had been so obvious. It had been Akrah who had first spoken the mantra which began the vibration we visualised.

I know. He repeated. They come soon.

I could only smile. In their company there will be hope. Hope I had not felt since before I left Temple Isle. Then I was the totally naive initiate. Now I was still naive, but more aware of the way of the mysteries. I was humble where I had a large ego before. I had gained enlightenment but knew now the implication. Then I thought enlightenment was the final stage. I know now it is but the beginning.
You have learnt well my friend
You have an ego which is true and open
Your consciousness is a manuscript the source can read
You have transcended your selfish self
For now it is good
But after a rest
You return
And the selfish self must gain control

Akrah I knew was a good teacher. Maybe not the best. But the first one I knew I could honestly say I loved. An unselfish spiritual love. His words were like beacons of light to me. We shared a powerful bond. We were prepared for a mighty event. The others. They were here. I knew but could not see. The waiting was almost over.

One in mind
One in thought
Unity in consciousness
Selfless in the light
At one with The One
Sharing as one the uniqueness of eternity

Open your mind Mara Gimel. Open yourself in readiness. They need your thoughts to visualise this destination else they are blind. You know of the consequences of a blind leap. We discussed it many times. Open your mind. Act like the beacon and they will appear. Concentrate and I will be there with you. Begin with a morning sky.

Akrah was there beside me. We stood on shadow covered ground. It could have been a shore line at our feet - but it wasnt important. Together we visualised a long road of light stretching out into the heavens from our feet. Wide enough for the thoughts of the others to walk along. I knew from my earlier visualisation, the others would amount to thousands of souls.

Then, as the bridge grew more substantial after much mental effort on our parts, we found we had been joined by thoughts from the source. It was aware of intentions, not that we ever doubted it. In fact we knew then the source had planted the intention in our minds, but because the universal law prohibits the tampering with the freewill of souls on the manifest plane, it had to be done to our own intention to make it happen. Once we had made the first move the source could aid us.

What power coursed through us. If either of us had doubted, or considered a selfish thought, or broke concentration, the bridge would never have formed.

Then, just as the life giver began to rise on the horizon, the first group of the others began to arrive; appearing as tiny dots on the end of the bridge. Dots which drew closer and closer. Then as they were in touching distance of us we watched their smiling faces blur and disappear. The projection was complete for they. They were with us. Had travelled the distance from their location to ours. Because of the concentration that was demanded by the visualisation, we could not pay them any attention. There were many more still to cross the bridge. We knew form the source they were safe and needed rest, for they it was a great effort too.

Then as a child of the air, I projected part of my consciousness across the bridge to see how many of the others were on the other side, out of sight. I found there to be too many to count.

I returned back to the shore line in time for the next group to cross the bridge. Soon, they too had safely made the projection ...

And so it went on and on. Thousands upon thousands had crossed the bridge and still they came. Without the intervention of the source, we would have tired quickly.

Then, we were granted a rest as two of the earlier travellers took over our visualisation posts. A tap on my thought forms shoulder had caused me to turn. I had gazed into the deep blue eyes of a pale skinned, blond male. I noted the instant mirror of self and knew he could be trusted.

I was grateful for the rest.

When I next opened my physical eyes, the hall which had been empty and haunting was now filled with thousands of souls; of every race imaginable. The others - the chosen - had come. It was an amazing sight. Ten years earlier I would not have thought it possible for all those thousands of souls to arrive by thought projection alone. It would have seemed impossible to my un-initiated ears. But believe me it is possible and it was exactly how it was done. We had learnt the ancients way of travelling. There WAS no need for the technology developed by the first civilisation. The elders were truthful. I could understand now why they were so adamant their ways were correct. The second civilisation had become lazy by being reliant of technology which did everything for them. The power of the mind and the consciousness it was driven by was a powerful piece of technology in itself. A technology developed by the Lemurian scientists. Truly clever souls.

And in the future it all stood to become lost. Lost due to the selfishness of the power seeking belialians. We, the chosen, would be unable to prevent universal intention. For it was intention of the source to inflict a payback on mankind. A payback designed to teach mankind a mechanism unique to the manifest plane.

All actions have a reflection
All actions return on a circle
They are bound to return
All action have a reaction
Two halves of the whole
All deeds have a shadow
It is the shadow that makes itself known

Gratefully, I wasnt made the spokesperson in the great hall. I wouldnt have relished talking to all those countless thousand souls. Instead Akrah wandered through the hall talking to the groups of souls who sat together there. I knew from my link to his thoughts he was seeking representatives - team leaders. Later, he gathered the team leaders together and impressed on them that they would act as teachers to the different groups.

Somehow the intention of the source had to be broadcast. It was too early to determine if all could think as one. It would have been unlikely.

The Legacy
The team leaders it turned out were the teachers of the groups. The masters and adepts who had recognised the pupils in their groups who were most linked to the source.

I wasnt permitted to join in the team leader talks. But I gleaned from the images and thoughts that stemmed from the first meeting it was clear what the source wanted from us all. There would be a structure. There would be a role for each and every one of us. We would form a legacy for initiates in the future who would come forward and wish to learn the truth. For the Belialians would hide the truth of creation from mankind. That was a certainty. They would have a secret agenda to follow. An agenda which required their report on the creation of mankind to be fed to mankind. It would be us to uphold the truth. To protect those who came forward wishing to know what really went on. It would be us who would create an enigma and a mystery. A code to the structure that only those of the right intention would ever solve.

Thus, the first meeting of the team leaders represented the very start of the legacy. The beginning of the preservation of the truth for the future. For the time when we could all join up again and remember. For then would be when the cloud would lift from the central sun - when the time of darkness would be over and our destiny could be fulfilled.

After a long time of waiting on my part, Akrah returned to where I was sitting on the central podium and brought with him eleven people, five were male and six were female. I was quickly introduced to each in turn. The majority were of the true Atlan race - dark skinned and black haired. However there was one fish person and one of the off land white haired, yellow hair and blue eyes.

Akrah then arranged us in a circle of twelve with himself placed in the centre. He described us as his inner circle. We were to be his group. He termed us his children. None of us disputed he would be our teacher, me especially. I knew what Akrah was capable of and quickly settled down to the first in a series of affirmations.

Thus began the legacy.

There were many groups of twelve with teacher. This form the basic structure of the legacy.

Those that were left after the first grouping had taken place, where then assigned a first grouping and became an outer circle. Then the process begin again and again. Until each group comprised an inner circle and many outer circles.

This continued until everybody was assigned a group.

Thus the structure became complete.

It soon became clear that every group leader, including Akrah, was directly linked to the source. The source being the overseer of the proceedings. The source thus represented the original cause or the intention behind the structure.

We soon learnt that the choosing of the groups was not a haphazard thing. On the contrary. Each group was assigned members with similar experiences and understanding. Thus, the group I was assigned to specialised in the attributes of healing and dealing with the suffering of souls. Akrah became known as Mikel from thereon and was deemed the Guardian of the healers.

(At this point I must stress, that I am Ezra The Scribe and these be the chronicles of the truth. I hast recorded them the best way I can, with words that best describe the events and occurrences when they took place. I must report that where I truly don’t understand the events, I hast used my own interpretation. Thus in some places I will be deemed to be vague. I hast no doubt it will be deemed as ignorance on my part. That perhaps, as is the way of magic schools, I hast elected to leave certain parts out. This be not the case.)

And so the time of mass affirmations and visualisations began.

It was the responsibility of each Guardian to ensure that its group reported all experiences and accrued knowledge into the essence of that part of the structure. For the structure was to become a living consciousness. A consciousness composed of mental images, thoughts, feelings. From the word go the source, via the guardians, was perfectly clear in its intentions.
We were to be a seed. A tiny atom that would over eons reproduce itself a million times over. Each cell containing the simple structure of a teacher and twelve students. A guardian and twelve arch-guardians. The structure would develop into an apparent shape made of globes of knowledge. Each globe would be interconnected and each globe would be under the control/rulership of a guardian.

When I visualised myself looking down at the floor of the great hall, at all the interconnected groups with their concentric outer rings, I had the distinct impression of gazing at the roots of a tiny tree. A living tree. A live tree. A sapling.

It was a mighty task. We spent several years in the hall of records perfecting the thought projection techniques; nurturing the structure; making sense of it all. Time was irrelevant though as if we existed in a vacuum - an empty space comprised of the fabrics of the universe itself. Few of us would venture out of the halls; when we did it was by way of projections for the hall of records was sealed form the outside world. Its food supply nil, so volunteers had to venture out on a regular basis to obtain simple supplies. Thus we lived on a diet of fish and fruits obtained from the hillsides and shorelines of the temple isle.

We thus lived simply. The reports of the advancement of the technology of the outside world no longer bothered us; apart from a small minority within the group. Over the early years a tolerance was developed toward the disobedience of a few members in the group. They were offered the opportunity to leave on more than one occasion. It was an understandable thing, for within the structure were all human experiences and emotions. Every conceivable experience, so far, was contained within the structure.

The guardians mentioned that eventually, the groups would disband, and the members leave in order to experience more. These experiences would then be brought back into the structure at a later date.

It was a complex mechanism. One I didnt really comprehend.

The madness of the small minority began to grow until it became an almost uncontrollable consciousness within our ranks. They were clearly on the same vibration as that of the cult of Belial and were thus a threat to the existence of our legacy. Out of control they would destroy all that had been achieved. Mikel assured me it had all been foreseen and counter measures had been set in place to ensure our tree would remain unaffected. He even went on to say that they were representative of the left hand side of our structure. The shadow realm - a microcosmic representation of the blight which had befallen mankind.

It was a necessary thing Mara Gimel. Surely you must know that. You were once like they were you not? Rebellious? Selfish? Determined to do your own thing? I could not deny the truth spoken by one of the other guardians, Dabriel. How could I? I lived with the voice of truth within me and I no longer denied what it said. It had become an easy thing.

I turned thus to Dabriel and smiled. I had chosen to be part of his group that particular day and was embarking on imaginative expression. He had encouraged me to record my thoughts on wood.

The outside world lived in sin
Spawned from the shadow self rejecting the true voice within
To be all things and understand every conceivable human thing
The path of darkness must be; its temptation there for everyone

And how, Mara Gimel, are we going to eradicate the threat of the shadow? What do you think the solution is? He held my gaze and I found the experience to be disconcerting.

I pondered for a moment and began a series of deep breaths. The source voice sprang up in my mind. I knew the answer. It was a simple one. Let them leave, for others will soon take their place. Belial must have wind of us and is directing one of its focussing devices in our direction. His priests will be projecting their sweet words. We must let them leave before they begin the violence that must surely come.

Good. But do you not see they will come back with others?

I could. So I could only nod in agreement. We must wait for that eventuality for it is has been prophesied. I remembered the prophecy given years before. There is a weakness in our structure, Belial will cull the weak and leave the strong. It must be. Let them go and we wait.

Good. We will make a guardian of you one day.

I was horrified. No I wish not to be. I will remain as scribe and record keeper for that is an important enough role for me.

So be it, child. So be it. Dabriel looked at me with a hint of disappointment in his eyes and then wandered off along one of the tunnels to his groups makeshift sleeping chambers.

Thus it was decided to let the shadow ones go. To let them leave for the outside world. The outside world where the cult of Belial would be waiting. There they would then report on our progress and then send the assassins right into our midst.

Via a projection bridge around fifty of us left the behind the hall of records. In affirmations that followed their departure the whole structure of the legacy uttered a defensive mantra to be wrapped around them. A thought form which would deflect any harm from them. The guardian/teachers within the groups declared their departure as a re-enactment of the fall. A ritual to be recorded for prosperity. The source voice within us all reassured us they would be okay. We thus forgot about them and the threat they represented.

We began to prepare for our own departures. It was not coincidental that a few months after their departure, a large number of the groups were instructed in visualisations to leave for other parts of the world. Thus it was decided that it would be so. The preparations were not going to be easy. They relied on the visualisation abilities of those who had visualised years earlier. It would be down to those souls to recollect images of their former homes so no projection would be blind.
Not long after the first of the preparation affirmations news was received that struck like the shadow of death in our hearts. The cult of Belial was preparing to exterminate us. One of the food bearers had projected herself onto Atlan Island and had overheard a public speech by one of the cult members. The Sons Of Belial had declared there had been an uprising and that we were the source of the displeasure and famine on the islands. Thus the Sons Of Belial were intent on our destruction. They declared us as evil and servants of the darkness. Us! What a contradiction.

Thus it would go down in history that we, The Children Of The One, would be the cause of the second fall of Atlantis. It would be written that the uprising began below ground in the caverns by a rebel force who refused to comply with the government and its laws. How fitting. The TRUE rebels. The TRUE servants of the darkness would declare the preservers of the truth as the enemy. It would be the start of a trend of accusations that would become part of The Sons Of Belials reportage in the eons that would follow.

Thus, we had very little choice. We would have to leave or face extermination. The legacy had to be preserved. It could not be written down, else Belial would learn of our intentions further. Luckily, the members of our group who left had been unruly and untrustworthy - thus they had been shown little of the inner workings of the legacy. Their assigned circle had been on one of the outermost circles. What they would have learned Belial would already know.

The source voice within all of us assured us collectively the structure was now a living collective consciousness. Its existence was safe. It was a vibration now in its own right. No matter where we were in existence our experiences would be added to the collective and become part of the living memory.

THE LEGACY HAD BEEN FORGED. Our initial work was done.

The Attack Of Belial
Without warning, a group of black robed assassins appeared in the centre of the hall. They immediately started to attack everyone close by. Their method of murder was with razor tipped crystal knives. A series of screams brought me back from a pleasant visualisation. Then I was up on my feet shaking those who had yet woken. Warning all and sundry what was happening. Sadly, before the assassins could be overpowered, at least two hundred of our group lay dead. The assassins were then treated in the same way. They had their own knives turned on them.

Then just as we had overcome the shock of the attack, another much bigger group appeared. They too were armed with crystal knives. As they cut their way through our group I heard the dreaded sound of a mining drill close by. The Sons of Belial were about to cut their way through into the hall! We all had to leave now or perish!

The sound of the drill came closer and closer. Then a hole began to form in the side wall of the great hall. Then, through the debris a large group of black robed cult members burst through with more elaborate weaponry. Quite quickly there was panic and confusion in our ranks. I watched red laser sights began to bounce off the walls of the hall of records. I was scared. We all were scared. There seemed no escape. The Sons Of Belial were more powerful than us. They had at their disposal the weaponry and technology of mass destruction and they were intent on using it on us. Very soon we would all perish if we didnt make our escape.

Then a great cry could be heard from behind us. I turned quickly and saw the illuminated form of a nine or ten foot being. Then there were two. Soon to be followed by a third and then a fourth. I knew not who or what they were. I knew not whose side they were on until they began to attack the cult members.

In all the confusion I became disorientated. I was shocked at witnessing the butchering of our group members - kindly, caring souls who did not deserve to die in the way they were doing. Someone grabbed my arm, I prepared myself for the worst. I wasnt concerned about being murdered - I knew there would be no death; just a return to source. But I wasnt ready yet. My death had not been predicted in this way. I turned and gazed into the worried eyes of Mikel, my old friend Akrah. Come, he was saying. Follow - the old levels have been opened. The Lemurians there are rescuing us. Come, it is from there it has been foretold we make our escape. Come. The end of Atlan is at hand. Come.

I thus became part of a mass departure. Along black, dank passageways we ran. The occasional bouncing laser light ahead of us confirmed the assassins were in pursuit. We ran for our lives. Many perished in our escape. Victims of the lasers; victims of been trampled to death in the confusion.

But we escaped. We came upon a chamber of vapour. We came upon the very heart of the ancient magic of the planet. We came upon a place too wonderful to ever explain in words. We came to a place where all our thoughts became physical images. We came to a place where all time corridors merged. I could not make sense of it. Akrah could not make sense of it. None of us could make sense of it. All that mattered was we were safe.

Out of nearly seven thousand souls, over half perished in the attack of The Sons Of Belial.

Then by way of a series of powerful projections we left behind Atlan, never to return. Some of us projected to parts of our planet in our current time corridor. Others were able to project to our planet in the near future. How they were able I do not know for I had not acquired that understanding. However, when I read of their experiences on the tree I will know. Others chose to project themselves to other worlds in our sector of the galaxy. They too used an understanding that defied my level of consciousness. But from what Akrah explained to me I deemed their departure to be a necessary part of the tree. Their existence on other worlds would become an integral part of the tree in the eons that followed.

Thus it came that only the group of healers led by Mikel remained. I cannot deem whether this was by design or by pure chance. However it mattered not. I remained with them. Our group number over twelve hundred. The voice of the source suggesting we venture to a part of the known world an establish a healing sanctuary for those who would survive the destruction of Atlan. For the destruction was about to come.

We would be ready
We would be there to serve
To help, to heal, to direct
To be the light in the dark

Our joint projection led us to a fertile basin in middle earth. Although our projection was blind, some of our group knew of the place. There were inhabitants - a peaceful culture made up of many races who accepted our appearance with ease. It had been predicted in their ancient prophecies we would come; appearing like the races from the sky. Unfortunately, they took it upon them to deem us gods. I must stress we were NOT gods. We never wanted to be gods. The majority saw the title for what it was - temptation in another guise. Some of us fell for the admiration and became demi-gods, false prophets. They let their separate self rule their hearts they became as black as those that we left behind.

Our new life thus became fraught with the same chaos as that we had left behind. But not at first.

The Land Of Khem
After our plight we lived for many years in fear. We anticipated discovery, but it never came. We set ourselves a new way of life - simple like the elders had demanded. We kept to the ways we had been taught. We practised all the affirmations; all the visualisations. We connected to the structure and we helped it to grow. We nurtured it with our new experiences and learnt from within its structure that the other survivors did the same. Through the thought form we communicated with our lost brothers. We learned together and the structure became stronger. But to call it a new religion was wrong. For it was not. It was merely a living testament to the truth. A living essence of untainted thoughts. A legacy for all that would come in the eons to come.

I write as Ezra. I write it in the way I understand. For it was a mystery to I how it survived. How it existed. How it was.

But in time I watched its purity come lost. The temptation of the admiration took hold. From out of the legacy a new religion was born. As bad, as evil as what we had fled. But worse. For it brought eventual destruction and tyranny. Souls killing in its name. But that came after. Much later.

The migrations began not long after our exile. Our culture and beliefs soon became established and our group flourished, living alongside the other race. News began to spread of our healing sanctuary, and souls travelled from far and wide to learn our ways. Our ways were simple. Our ways were in tune with the source. Our natural choice of leader was Mikel. However, he did not take to the task particularly easily. It was not his style; that role was assigned once more to our spiritual leader, Osiris, who had survived the destruction of our homelands and had ventured to our new homeland by his own means. Methods I can only deduce ... but which involved a form of thought form transportation I cannot comprehend. He remained our leader, of which we were all grateful. Mikel was thus adopted as our chief elder and continued practising his mystical arts. I continued with my healing work, as it had been at the temple isle. I re-established my affirmations and visualisations. The initiates grew in number and I was called upon to become an elder in my own right. I accepted the charge.

We were devoted to healing. We formed a brotherhood vowed to heal and aid and teach. A brotherhood which was prophesied would remain in intact over the coming eons. Most of us, not all, promised the source to remain. To not return to the source after our physical deaths. To remain close to the most physical of vibrations to help mankind in its realisation. To lead mankind to the legacy. To help mankind discover the truth. We vowed to eradicate the purge of the night brought on by Belial.

But that came much later.

News of the destruction of our homeland came to us around one hundred and thirty years after our exile. For all of us it was a painful truth to accept. We learned from survivors much later, the twin volcanic peaks had erupted; the sea had lifted and drowned the land. All as it had been predicted. Belial had deliberately engineered the disaster. Belial and its followers still lived, we had no doubt. Theirs would be a civilisation within the earth. It would all be planned.

We barely had time to establish our work, keep the legacy intact and warn the peoples of forthcoming events before the major cataclysms came which changed the appearance of the planet. Cataclysms we knew had been engineered in some way by Belial. Its intention had been foreseen many years before. Its intention to wipe out all the surface civilisations of man. Once that had occurred, the surviving civilisations of Belial would come to back onto the surface when it would be safe to do so.

Our astronomers gave us the sorry news. Our sister world had indeed left the bounds of her orbit around our world. She was currently heading off in a new orbit which led her away from us. All hope was lost. The planetoid would now be in orbit around our world. The magnetic effect explained many years by elders of the temple would now be a reality. Mighty changes would now be afoot on the surface of our world.
There would soon be flooding on a gigantean scale. Tidal waves sufficiently high enough to drown continents were on their way. There would be near total cloud cover over our world. The rain that then would follow would be on such a scale the water levels of our world would rise dramatically.

These floods would be upon us within five years.

We had thus to prepare.

The flooding came. The rains came. The tidal waves came. By then we had fled to an area of the land outside of the middle earth basin. I recall the endless night, the endless rain. The misery and the sorrow which lasted for hundreds of years. When the flood water abated and the rains ceased, finally, the middle earth basin was gone. It had become replaced by a tiny ocean. All evidence of our culture was sunk without trace. Our temples, our homes - all lost. But we remained. Our legacy lived on.

Our new home comprised a fertile land bounded by this new sea and cut through the middle by a series of river tributaries. For about a century we settled and re-established our healing sanctuary. This would prove to be our final resting place. Thus, our roles as healers returned. But peace did not remain for very long. Our group and the subsequent peoples fought for power. Our live became enmeshed with power struggles. For me it was no longer a happy time.

I had my guilt to contend with. I felt responsible for the many murders of our group centuries. For it was I who had decided we remain in the great hall. Knowing full well it would result in many deaths. I thus carried the blame and found it hard to remove. No amount of positive affirmations or kindly words from Mikel could remove the stain.

I became a recluse for many years. I spent much time wandering within myself. I felt I had again fallen from grace; I had become a Son Of Belial once more. Just like in a previous incarnation. I knew then the scar would be bourne by all the faces I would become. It was hard for me to remain.

It was thus down to us and the other surviving bands of the children to spread the truth. So began the war between good and evil; black and white. Belial began the colonisation of the surface of the earth. Creating civilisations built on the foundations of its lies and distortions. Peoples rule by fear and tyrannical power. Our cultures were formed in splinter groups all over the globe built on firm foundations of truth and unity. Sadly, we knew from the start we were in a war we could not win.

Our civilisations became corrupt too soon as they followed the mind set of the Belialians. Mankind was now too obsessed with the temptations of the manifest plane to be saved.

The Legacy Of A Living Tree
Our legacy continued however. It formed the basis of many of the new mystery schools. Its living consciousness became more and more powerful; more and more slake less. Our legacy was thus something that could last for eternity. And from our etheric stronghold between earth and heaven we passed forth the guidance the initiates of our mystery schools required. We became guardians and guides on our tree-like structure. We had a major part to play. So long after our physical deaths our consciousness lived on. We were the ambassadors of the source and we were merely carrying out its wishes.

After our exile from Atlan, my human memory began to fade. I became withdrawn and empty. My desire to learn was lost. I became a burden to those around me. I considered myself evil; I soon fell pray to the admiring attention of the peoples of our new home land. I had been told by Mikel not long before it happened I had to fall prey to my separate self. I would not be evil if I did. My work was done. My role in the structure was complete. I was to become human and experience the temptations of the flesh. I would fall and keep falling. I would fall until eventually I would forget the whole experience.

I would fall until I lost my immortality. The many years spent in the house of Osiris and in the great hall had programmed my consciousness to forget about human ageing. It was only when I did begin to fall that the ageing process resumed it decay on my physical form.

I became promiscuous and obsessed with affluence and wealth. I became selfish and ignorant. I denied myself the existence of The One and the truth. I even began to ridicule the existence of life after death. I effectively became a slave to Belial once more.

I am Ezra and I merely recount the truth. The truth was all the temptation felt wondrous. I was ignorant, I had no responsibility to anyone but myself. I was disconnected from the rest of the world. It was a way of life that suited me fine in the end.

But even so, I kept my internal promise to record and report the events as they were. What started had to be finished. It had become like an obsession with me. In the end it was what brought the wealth and the affluence to me. I merely willed it and it happened. I contorted and distorted the very laws I was meant to uphold. I ensured I had an audience. I formed my own views, my own philosophies and set them off in the public arena. I demanded attention and received it. I demanded like a petulant child all the things the elders had clearly mentioned as forbidden. The years of denial and merely rebounded on my separate self. Everything I willed I received. But I never found the happiness and contentment again. That was denied to me. I never found the true universal selfless love I shared with Akrah and the others. I received physical love. A love with conditions and boundaries. Something completely different.

In my more lucid moments, when the source voice spoke and I merely recorded what I instinctively knew to be what I had to report, I realised the terrible mistakes I was making. But I realised too the importance of my actions. The experience I had to go through. I had the understanding of the preparation. I had to fall and I had to contend with the glamours and poisons of the shadow.

I became a professional writer and prophet. Not in the elder sense but in a commercial sense. I was paid to review peoples lives and pass judgement on them. I was paid to give false hope and make wild claims. It was what brought me wealth and stature. For I was employed by the government of the time. I was one of the many faces behind the governments laws and prophecies. I wasnt a nice person anymore. The greed and the avarice had taken hold. I was possessed by the materialism sickness.

But within me I knew it was an experience I was assigned to have. I hadn’t agreed, I had been volunteered. I was of the chosen and we had been scattered around the planet and the heavens to survive. To protect the legacy. To guard the new mystery school. We had to be as the sheep; we had to wear the same clothes and appear the same - lest the Belialians hunt us down and murder us.

I regret now the life. The hardship and the pain I caused. I started off intent on healing souls. I ended up tightening the grip of the lessons to be learnt.

I deceived many and ended up in the end being deceived. My chronicles, my position - they were all abused. My reports came into the hands of The Sons Of Belial and another of their power games. A new religion.

I was chartered by the government men to report the catastrophes. To record my findings and my feelings. My visions. My insights. I would be paid a healthy some. Land of my own. Slaves of my own. An offer I could not refuse. Thus I wrote it all down. I left nothing out. I received my payment. Exile! Slavery! Insanity! Death! A slow lingering death. Just as it had been prophesied. A slow acting poison administered by one of the leaders enemies.

But before I passed from that mortal world I met with Mikel on the tree. I met with all the others too. I was forgiven for they had committed many crimes too. And on that tree I remain for all of time. And though I bear many human faces; each unaware of their time as I - I know I learn through they and they learn as I. Their experiences are reported on that mighty tree.

And the legacy became the inner teaching of that new land. A surviving testament for all to discover in the eons that came after our deaths. The legacy lives on ..........