Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 18 February 2007

The Darkness Before The Light Of The True Dawn

The truth they keep hidden away
Devoid of conscience, they serve only themselves
Selling our souls … reducing us to nations of the Damned
Soul fodder barely surviving on the face of the earth
Programmed to live in fear …
Nerves tensed, attuned to the material machine
Manufactured wars and viruses cull us
Alien minds harvest us … for food and for genetic manipulation
And that truth is all around us … but clever programming disguises it
For the treadmill lives we are forced to live … makes our senses tarnished
Toxins and deadly chemicals introduced into our food supply … cleverly advertised
Force our perceptions – our awareness – our intelligence – to be severely reduced
Because it suits the Power Lords for us to be alive in this way …

And now … at the advent of the darkest hour
Those final moments before the true light of dawn
They are blinded by the scent of victory
Their obsession with profit, money … power …
The cause.

They see that the end is in sight ...
The realisation of their eternal goal … is in their grasp
A world devoid of free will
With each and every mortal captured, connected to a central control
Programmed how to think and how to feel
Their every movement – every thought – every reaction observed

That is almost here … almost now
They – the Power Lord Elite – have their fingers on that victory
But in reality will it be achieved?

Transcendental forces observe
With many of their numbers surely here on earth
As part of the beleaguered and weary human slaves
Witnesses to the torture and the mind control
Maybe experiencing first hand the horrors below the surface of the earth
Where the malevolent forces lurk
Those horrors which use the Power Lords like puppets
Those monsters who only see human beings as livestock
Who weave human laws … into states of total imprisonment
Where those with freewill remaining are to be whisked away
Taken below the surface of the earth and exterminated
Food stock for those demonic forces.

Transcendental forces must surely intervene
And end these aeons of suffering for mankind
Surely they must come and overwhelm the control of these demons?
And set mankind free …

This world is already changing
Untethered awareness still shines within this globe
Not all of the slaves have been ‘dumbed down’
There are many who see and sense the changes
Lifting vibrations … changes in ways of thinking …
Rejection of the ‘official truths’ – those obvious lies
Which the governmental puppets spin …
To pacify the sheep …
For they sense the growing unrest …
Because the pacification and dumbing down of mankind …
Seems not to be going as planned …

A crack in their armour maybe?
A mote of corrosion in their layers of illusion perhaps?
Something is afoot for sure
Because a glimmer of the true light of dawn is shining
A beacon of hope in this material darkness …

So surely transcendental forces intervene … subtly
Working so covertly on the cracks and the weaknesses
Its just a matter of when they can rebalance the scales
Hopefully before it becomes too late ….