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Sunday 18 February 2007

The Grande Deception

Why does The Nation Of Darkness, the nation built on the culling of the red blood
force the issue so desperately, so insistently?
Why do they so adamantly blame another and prepare for war so readily?
What is it they try to hide,
and what is it they wish to destroy?
What world event do they so desperately wish to happen?
Why do the people’s of the western world so easily agree?
And why do the same people’s eagerly await the spilling of blood?
Is it because the Nation Of Darkness, control most of the world’s wealth
Have something they must hide?
They being their manipulative and deceptive government
Not the puppets their nation’s people’s believe to be in power
But the real rulers behind the scenes, the faces no human eyes ever see
Why do they deceive?
Why do they wish this potential genocide?
This potential spiralling of events towards a world war
as sides are formed and retaliations could spiral out of control ...
Why are the majority of the human sheep so easily fooled?

I, impress my superiority here and now, with no ego intended
I see my consciousness flying high like the eagle
And see so easily what is going on ...
This is a grand deception
Manipulation of world events for selfish gain
I ask you, who benefits from this charade
from what has occurred and is potentially about to occur so very soon?
That is who is behind this deceit ...
Not the face blamed
The nation who has the gun turrets and missiles pointing at their lands
They are innocent of the crime
and do not deserve the damnation they are receiving
I ask you, what is within their lands The Nation Of Darkness wishes to destroy?
And will most surely destroy
For the first thought made has be made the intention and the snowball is now rolling
Nations of the world do not be deceived ....

I smell alien blood
I smell the spilling of blood no human sheep will ever perceive
More is going on than meets the public eyes
This is a major deception

I can see the deceit
The sacrifice made by the lords of darkness
Those at the centre, who sit on the evil throne
Its been planned so carefully for many years
The timing had to be right
A date in their dark satanic calender
The sacrifice of the innocent on a point of power
A ritual to satisfy their lizard minds
Carried out to the letter

I smell evil
and deceit
and loss of freedom
and the night getting darker
and the net getting tighter
and the end of the world as we know it
and the prison door being locked tight
and it frightens me for I know what is coming next

More sacrifice
More of the children of the light slaughtered
More of the dark ones being born
More violence and more deceit
More smoke screens ... in the form of atrocities
As the hired assassins butcher and cull
While they who hire denounce the acts
and promise to eradicate the threat by tightening the control
Meaning less freedom for all
and more power to they

Mankind conned into walking stepping stones they don’t want to trek
Forced to shout "something must be done"
While the dark ones smile sweetly producing the solution
Knowing full well how the nations of the world would react
Mankind waken to the threat

Written 3 October 2001