Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 17 February 2007

A Grim Reality?

Extract Taken from 'ABOVE TOP SECRET' by James Casbolt

'By the sheer amount of evidence the only conclusion I can come to is that certain sections of the US & UK governments have sold us and our children to malevolent ET's in backdoor treaties. The situation is truly grim. Come on people, time to wake up! The new world order and UN one world government is this rigid control structure to clamp the people of the world into a totalitarian vice so they won't have to tell us about the aliens.

I also believe that certain sectors of the intelligence community and the US and UK government are directly helping the Greys and Reptileans with their takeover agenda. Evidence seems to point to the ET's promising these humans certain powers when this happens. The name of the powerful secretive group 'The Trilateral Commission' is taken from the Orion Grey/Reptilean flag known as the Trilateral insignia. This shows how much trouble the human race is in.

There is now an apathy amongst the people towards world events that is deadly and contagious. This is especially true of the people of Britain. We have truly become a nation of sheep.

There is a huge amount of pressure on the governments to go public on the ET scenario, but there is also a huge amount of pressure not to go public as well. We need to demand our government officials tell us the truth about the ET scenario and if they do not we must impeach them'

James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in 'Black ops' drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He comes from a line of intelligence people. His grandfather was naval intelligence, his father was MI6 who was also involved in 'Black ops' and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics. From Cornwall England, James wishes to make amends for his part in these operations and blow the whistle on the crimes against Humanity that the intelligence agencies are involved in. MI6 and the CIA have cornered the global drugs trade (which is worth at least £500 billion a year, this is more than the global oil trade) and are now bringing the majority of illegal street drugs into America and Britain.They are using this drug money to fund projects classified 'Above top secret' which include the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (DUMBS). There are now over 4000 of these bases worldwide and the average depth of these bases is four and a quarter miles. Some are shallower and some are deeper. The bases are on average the size of a medium sized city and yes, he says there are aliens in them.James is connected to ex intelligence people who have worked in these underground bases and on other ET related projects. There are vast numbers of children and adults disappearing around the world and ending up in these underground bases. As a former MI6 Agent that has seen aliens first hand and has inside information that will shock even the most disbelieving person. Every person alive on the planet today needs to be aware of this information for their futures.
Taken from