Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 22 February 2007

Holographic Senses

By David Icke

All our five-senses are holographic and are located throughout the hologram-body. Yes, even our sight. It is clear that we don't need eyes to see when you sift through the endless accounts of those who have experienced the out-of-body or near-death phenomena. They leave their bodies and their 'eyes', but they can still see. This is possible because the mind does not 'see', it decodes frequency patterns into holographic illusions it thinks it sees.

It is a virtual reality and you don't need eyes to see what your mind is thinking because it is all happening 'in here', not 'out there'. If something can decode frequencies into holograms it can 'see'. As all consciousness can do this, everything can 'see' and every part of the body hologram has 'eyes'.

Excuse me while I look through my big toe at the inside of my sock. Anyone got a needle?

No really, we can see throughout the body and that must be the case if the body is a hologram. More horrible experiments (I don't want to know that badly, thanks) have shown that rats can continue to see perfectly well with 90 per cent of their visual cortex in the brain removed, while cats continue to see after 98 per cent of their optic nerves have ceased to function. There have been many experiments to show how some people can see and read through their hands while their eyes were covered with a blindfold.

The hands and all other parts of the body can send visual messages to the visual cortex in the brain from where we 'see'.

But in fact, we don't even need the brain to 'see' - that's just another level of the multi-levelled illusion. Does the infinite need eyes or a brain to see??

Paul Bach-y-Rita, a neuroscientist and physician at Wisconsin-Madison University, says: "You don't see with the eyes. You see with the brain." (Beyond that we see with the mind). When an image reaches the eye's retina, he says, it "becomes nerve pulses no different from those from the big toe".

Information enters the eyes as a frequency pattern and the brain turns it into a 3-D image. Now, because every part of a hologram contains the whole, every part of the body - the hand, toe, knee - has the ability to pass frequency patterns to the brain, which it transforms into holograms that we can 'see'.

This means that people really do have eyes in their backsides. I have heard some people speak of being able to see 360 degrees when they have entered altered states of consciousness that make them more attuned to these senses by withdrawing their focus from the five-sense consensus reality. All this is perfectly explainable from the holographic perspective. Life magazine featured a Russian woman called Rosa Kuleshova who could read with her fingertips and others have been able to do the same with other parts of their bodies like the nose and ear."

David Eisenberg MD, a clinical research fellow at the Harvard Medical School, highlighted two young Chinese sisters who could read with their armpits! 20 There was also the 'miraculous' discovery by Paul Bach-y-Rita and other researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that we can see through our tongues. They have developed a device to stimulate the tongue's ability to 'see' and this has allowed blind people to regain vision. One report said:

"The tongue, an organ of taste and touch, may seem like an unlikely substitute for the eyes. After all, it's usually hidden inside the mouth, insensitive to light, and not connected to optic nerves. However, a growing body of research indicates that the tongue may in fact be the second-best place on the body for receiving visual information from the world and transmitting it to the brain.”

"Earlier research had used the skin as a route for images to reach the nervous system. That people can decode nerve pulses as visual information when they come from sources other than the eyes shows how adaptable, or plastic, the brain is. says Wisconsin one of the device's inventors."

Research is underway to see if other lost senses can be restored by routing them through other parts of the body. They will find that they can for the reasons I have described. Most people cannot access these inherent abilities because they don't know they have them and they don't believe they have them. Until they do, they won't. We are what we think we are and we can do what we believe we can do. Every part of the hologram has the senses of the whole and is conscious. Michael Talbot tells a story in The Holographic Universe that gave him an insight into this. He had been having trouble with his spleen and had been using visualisation to treat the problem, using his mind to rebalance the hologram that is the spleen. One night he became frustrated with the process and, in the privacy of his own thoughts, gave his spleen a right rollicking for not responding quickly enough. A few days later he went to see a psychic about his health. She identified the spleen problem and then paused, looking confused, before saying: "Your spleen's very upset about something ... have you been yelling at your spleen?" She said the spleen became ill because it thought that is what Talbot wanted. He had been giving the wrong messages, she said, and now the spleen was confused at being scalded. "Never, never get angry with your body or your internal organs", she said, "Only send them positive messages."

Extract Taken From ‘Tales From The Time Loop’ By David Icke