Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 11 February 2007

MARS: Thought Of The Day

Ok. It's time for a head count!

How many of you out there ... in the midst of the 'Global Elite' -the rich and the secretive - are in truth Martians? How many of you were actually born on the Earth's sister planet? Go on put your hands up.

The truth is close to the surface. Many of us 'Earthlings' know now there is an advanced civilisation on Mars. With cities filled with sky scrapers and planes and trains and civil defence and underground cities and tunnels. With vast expanses of trees and rivers and lakes. With polar regions. With theme parks.

A lot like Earth really.

In truth I would say construction methods will be similar between the two. Now did you bring it here to Earth when you pretended to be 'gods' to us Earthlings in the times of earliest Egypt and of course Atlantis? Or did you take it with you to Mars?

We have GOOGLE EARTH as we all know. But tell me? Are there computer's here on earth with GOOGLE MARS. Complete with place names and tourist destinations for Mars?

I wonder. Especially after viewing the overwhelming evidence that someone in NASA is taking so much trouble to tamper and deface the photographs coming back from Mars!!!

Even though the tampering is very professional and thorough, the evidence for major cities of skyscraper skylines which are currently inhabited is undeniable.

Makes me now wonder about other phenomenon here on earth. The UFO's (artifacts) and earth bases and crop circles and dwindling resources.

Us Earthlings provide the finance as the slaves to the Elite. We are paying for the research and DO NOT DESERVE the deceit we are being subjected to. All images of Mars (and the Moon) which undeniably prove, what we have known for aeons, namely there is intelligent life elsewhere, belong to US. We have every right to see them. It is not acceptable that the few have them in their possession and they keep us out of the loop.

The worm will turn. For sure. We will gain possession of the original images (somehow) and then the mortal herded sheep will realise the deception which they have been put through for centuries. Then the Elite will be stripped of their self acclaimed and stolen position of power .....