Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 14 February 2007

The Sinister Moon

The Sinister Moon and its unexplained artificial towers and structures. Hidden in the ‘supposed’ seas of the moon.

The Sinister Moon with its strange, unexplained lights which have been seen by mankind for centuries.

The Sinister Moon which hangs in the Earthly sky, apparently natural in its appearance but anything but natural in its orbit. The dark side of the sinister moon never seen by the Earth.

The Americans ‘supposedly’ landed on the moon with Armstrong and co, but there has been so much controversy over the official photographs; the space suits; the landing craft etc it does make you wonder if it was just a publicity stunt as the old USSR was so much closer to an attempt at the time!

The big question regarding the Moon are the results of the tests undertaken via the various probes and robot explorations of the Moon. Results have indicated the Moon appears to be hollow, ringing like a gigantic bell when seismically tested. The rock samples indicate something very unusual – the outer materials of the Moon should be inside the planet – when compared with the Earth for example, the materials found on the surface appear to have come from the inside. Almost like a highly intelligent race has tunnelled out the Moon and used the materials to protect the outside.

I would conclude the Moon is an artificial satellite which is in orbit around the Earth. But … made by who? And for what purpose?

I’ve heard it said that Earth is under an embargo or quarantine ….

So, the question of ownership of the Moon takes on another meaning. It’s not simple case of Mankind landing on the Moon and claiming it if something else already owns it … and owns our dear old Earth to by the looks of it?

Surely the world’s secretive Elite are aware of these factors when they have planned their ‘Alternative 3 Moon Bases’???

Surely the Space Station in orbit above the Earth is subjected to scrutiny by the intelligence which lives on the Moon? If there isn’t a city or cities on the Moon, then why is someone in NASA going to such trouble to tamper with pictures of the Moon?? If it was just Geology up there then surely the pictures would be left as they were?

Surely then all the ‘legends’ of lights on the moon - moon bases/structures -flying craft seen by astronauts - small objects seen ‘attacking’ manmade satellites and craft – ARE NOT LEGENDS AT ALL but the truth?