Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 21 February 2007


We view from the balcony all that goes on in the world of man
The eyes are gathering, the time of change is close
And for those souls trapped in that reality
these are the times of dread and foreboding
Massive upheavals are ahead, nothing we can do to prevent.

From on higher vibration we gaze, anticipating many things
But rarely taking part, for that has been denied
We merely keep an eye on lower vibrations
A place we can visit on a whim, the place some of us descend to aid
But once there, cannot return.

Know most of us are like human kind
But have successfully ascended but remain to witness
To aid the lower realms whence we can
And that time is coming close
The time of change, the time of enlightenment is at hand.

And many more of man see our ships of the sky
Testaments of truth that other races exist
And with mankind we attempt to commune
For the signal to do so has reached our ears
The time of power is about to change hands

But know the entity which claims control intercepts
It attempts to break our ties with there
But know it shall never succeed
For the force of the universe is so much stronger
The entity growing weak, we throttle its power.

Know from the balcony thoughts of truth descend
Sensitive minds converse with us, mental communion unpreventable
The entity reeling, sending its minions to apprehend
Creating technology to block our thoughts,
Creating confusion within the world of man to deceive.

This we know, but cannot prevent
Freewill the only thought that can
But know mankind will be shown the way
it will come from within its hearts, its the only way
And this time of enlightenment has come, its here right now.