Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 21 February 2007


The Beggar Man stands at the crossroads, brim of cap askew, one eye alert
Two Ravens cackle overhead, their master valuing their insights
’A friend approaches“’, they cry in unison, “’from the north“’,
’escaping the land of shadow with companion“’.

The Beggar Man shrugging thus his heavy shoulders
and prepares for contact with his long lost brethren
An event he'd seen many eons before, that time lately cming swiftly
Aware as he is of the return to the earth of The Golden Dawn.

And behind his disguise the Power Lord can only smile
As The Magpie flies toward him and spies his manner
The Traveller is indeed he his visions decreed
The magic of the land still untainted after many eons

And though the perverse poison courses through the land
causing open sores on the skin of the human race
Its substance is still unable to destroy the core of the orb
The prism power which governs the very existence of power.

The power which keeps alive all thoughts on Gaia
The Beggar Man gladdened by the survival of Yddrassil
The Central hub of all he'd ever known
Ragnarok may well arrive but it will not mark the end..........

Loki will be defeated, Woden knows that now
His Rune play will in the end save the day
Their power, their magic alive, a remnant of a former age
Atlantis! His link with The Traveller about to arrive.
That portal about ready to open, its karma about to end

Mankind must move forward...that is what the universe demands
Woden sure now there can be a victory
The Golden Dawn of magic from Atlantis is back on its way.
Its vital force missed by the earth
The countless centuries of wrong doing by Loki not enough to deploy

The magic more powerful than 'er before, resting in the bowels
Kept fresh by the Elder folk residing there.
Their energy force now link with the skies
That portal once more restored

Loki powerless, his intentions meaningless
Ragnarok, not the end for good, but the final day for evil...