Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 25 April 2007

The 12th Planet

Amid the smoke and destruction a solitary pair of eyes shall stare skyward
and perceive the delight the smokescreen was designed to hide
Ten thousand souls shall perish as the orb moves close
Its arrival to be un-noticed by a stricken world ...
Beware the beast with trident who deceives
who speaks as the world but in truth stands alone
Behind its cowl a hidden force
The power behind the power is the sovereign of New Troy
Prime deceiver drives her killing machine into the bated foe
And act by the darkness to seize ultimate world control
Fanatics will rally and a distant land will be hidden by clinging mists
as the men of the desert pray to their gods for guidance
But children of the world this is a grande illusion
both sides are powered by one hidden agenda
The same force owns both leaders
and the plan will deceive you all ..
And the orb views a stagnant world
as decadence and decay litters the streets with rage
Peoples tied then to fury by fatal solutions
Developments carefully planned to hand over freedom
and bury freewill forever ...
And this is 2003
And this is the modern day
And shall unfold before your very eyes
As ships cross the raging seas
and cameraman stand amid the exploding shells
Like Hollywood and the American dream
Don’t buy the stories
Look to the heavens instead
Press off and let silver screen be silent
Watch the night sky and see the approaching orb
For scientists have failed to announce an imminent arrival
A heritage historians have deliberately erased
A world we once wandered across
A world we ultimately once destroyed
Ages of destruction written in the annals of the sky
A place our souls once called home
How have we let it come to this?
How have we become enchained by devil and beast?
By acts of violence in the name of god?
How and why?
Who is it that gains from our foolhardiness?
The rich families of the world ... the mortal hosts of the universal dark force
That is who has it all to gain ...

Wednesday, 8 January 2003
-Matthew James