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Monday 30 April 2007

An Insight Into 'Readings'

What would you consider your most 'difficult' reading or consultation?
That is a difficult one! There's been so many over the years. But what springs to mind is when I did a stint on 'Dial-A-Medium in Manchester. It was one of these phone line reading scams. However, I approached the whole thing naively and totally honestly. All the other 'readers' were just saying anything to keep folk on the line. But not me. As soon as the red light came on the box & I knew I was 'on air', I would turn the cards and give what I could see and hear. What made it especially difficult was the fact there was no voice on the end of a phone! I just had a red light to let me know someone had phoned in and I had to speak through a microphone. Impossible you would say! How can you give information when you don't even had a voice link? I did it! And very accurately. I insisted that everyone sent their thoughts to me and concentrated. I would then turn the cards; get a mental image of the person and speak. I received the perfect proof one afternoon. Unbeknown to me a close friend decided to ring up Dial-A-Medium. I received an 'inkling' this particular afternoon that I knew who was on the line; so I kept a note of the time the light came on and the time when the light went off. I also noted down what I'd said. It was about a week later when I next saw my close friend. The first thing I did was ask if she'd used Dial-A-Medium? On the date and at the time I'd gleaned she'd been on the line. She could only nod in surprise. My hunch had been correct. Even down to what I'd picked up as the mental link and the information I gave her.

What then is the most satisfying reading you've ever done?
Again a difficult question. There are many. But the ones which spring to mind are the time I did a venue in Warrington Uk and I told a client, Sharon', that was going to asked to travel down to London visit a friend who'd just moved down there. I warned her she was not to go on the weekend she was invited, but change it to another weekend. Months later I revisited the same venue and was greeted by 'Sharon' and her Mum. At the time I gave her the reading she didn't know a friend down in London, so she couldn't take the information. But weeks later her close friend did move down to London. Her friend then invited her to visit her one weekend. 'Sharon's Mum remembered my warning and told her to rearrange the weekend visit. Good thing she did! The weekend she was asked to visit her friend was the weekend when there was a train crash at one of the London stations. The very station she would have used, as she would have gone down by train!!