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Tuesday 5 January 2010

Barack Obama not disclosing an extraterrestrial presence during 2009 is the top extraterrestrial-related story of 2009.

Obama ended 2009 with non-disclosure after numerous reports of ‘imminent disclosure’ of an extraterrestrial presence including prediction of a specific disclosure date, November 27, 2009. Independent sources have reportedly confirmed the U.S. military leaking its meetings in 2009 with Reptilian, Grey, and a silicon-based civilization named the “Conformers” in an effort to move Obama, the military’s commander-in-chief, to disclosure.

Is this the mother of all exopolitics stories of 2009? The gist of this story is that official state extraterrestrial disclosure by the U.S. commander in chief did not take place in 2009, despite numerous pressures within his own administration and military-establishment to disclose.

We need first to evaluate the roots of the story. We also need to evaluate the implications of the story, from the revelations to date.

The current phase of “official state disclosure” began with a series of high profile public UFO sightings such as the January 8, 2008 Stephensville, TX overflight of a 524 foot wide UFO which went on to overfly the Crawford, TX White House unopposed by U.S. military air craft, despite that being restricted airspace and there being over numerous U.S. military bases in nearby area. The FAA later released a
radar report with over 2 million radar returns on the mysterious UFO craft.

It is still unknown what the provenance of this UFO craft is, whether it is extraterrestrial in origin, if extraterrestrial whether it is a “cooperating” civilization like the Reptilians or the Greys, or whether it is a black budget U.S. military space craft.

Following this spate of prominent UFO sightings, a
report surfaced of a series of secret meetings starting February 12, 2008 at the United Nations with leading U.N. officials and delegates who were being briefed by U.S. military officials regarding the extraterrestrial presence. A summary of the secret UN briefings reported that the participating nations adopted a new policy of “openness” to public knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence, provided the extraterrestrials did not engage in overt aggressive behavior.

A U.S. Naval intelligence officer identified as
Source A came forth to confirm details of the secret U.N. meetings, which were said to be carried out on behalf of elements within the U.S. intelligence community who were concerned by the increased power of international corporate elements over extraterrestrial relations, and the marginalization of the constitutional governments regarding extraterrestrial affairs.

In late 2009, it was
reported that, “Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and extraterrestrial life. The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers have played a leading role in an inter-services working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved. One source claims that the contact involves extraterrestrial groups known as Reptilians, and a silicon based life form dubbed ‘the Conformers’. Another source claims that the extraterrestrials are called Ebens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but known colloquially as the Grays. A third source claims that human looking extraterrestrials representing an association of star nations are liaising with military officials.” … read more