Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 5 January 2010

ET Genes in Human DNA

Collective research from a growing number of exo-scientists indicates there are genes from over 20 extra-terrestrial civilisations in the human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize Winner, Dr Francis Crick and other scholars in this field of research.

Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings on carefully collected data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and 'whistleblowers' as well as other documentation.

These verified reliable sources have come into contact with representatives of non-Earth Human civilisations living in human populations at-large and also in official capacities.

'Exo-science' is the study of extra-terrestrial phenomenon; and is further associated with exopolitics which embraces the need for humanity to have open contacts with Extra-terrestrials on a representative democratic basis which represents earth's sovereignty.

Francis Harry Compton Crick concluded extra-terrestrial origins in the human genome in to his well known DNA research;

Research efforts inspired by
Dr. Michael E. Salla suggest that within the over 20 types of extra-terrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extra-terrestrial races. These apparent psycho-kinetic abilities are associated with the focussing of the creative collective consciousness of being in the universe.

As a result of the countless hundreds of eye witness accounts of 'apparent' extra-terrestrial space crafts, Exo-Scientists theorise this is because 'the extra-terrestrials have sought to observe or intervene on Earth as a result of human beings bearing the genetic footprints of their ancient forebearers" ... read more ...