Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 4 March 2010

DynCorp, The NSA, & Nano Technology Conspire to Robotize Humanity

'In other words, the U.S. Government, beginning in 2003, has to date spent untold billions of dollars to create and deploy the ultimate tool of world control and planned genocide – the science of “nano” RFID (radio frequency identity) chips and nano-robotics all connected to and driven by a master, all-powerful super computer with a truly amazing artificial intelligence.

This paper will identify the major players in this field, and expose the hidden agendas of those whose desire is to erode personal freedom in the quest for unlimited earthly power and wealth. This paper will show how the NSA, (which today controls the world’s BITS or information-retrieving technology) has partnered with an extremely dangerous paramilitary, mercenary, private corporation named DynCorp International to drastically curtail human population levels on the Earth, while placing the survivors under complete and total, super-computer-driven mind control. Sound incredible? Of course it does, but please, read on before judging!'

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