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Friday 5 March 2010

Mankind IS to blame for global warming, say climate scientists

Climate scientists hit back at sceptics yesterday with a study which concluded the evidence for man-made global warming was 'stronger than ever'. After analysing more than 100 scientific papers published in the last few years, the team of British researchers said there was an 'increasingly remote possibility' the world is warming up because of natural variations in climate. But man-made global warming, triggered by the burning of fossil fuels, is making its mark on every continent and ocean, they said. There has been scepticism over global warming following the coldest British winter for 30 years and the Climategate scandal in which leaked emails appeared to show that some scientists had manipulated figures. Dr Peter Stott, of the Met Office Hadley Centre in Exeter, who coled the latest study, said: 'What we've shown is that the fingerprint of human influence has been detected in many different aspects of climate change. (Daily Mail)