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Monday 1 April 2019

"Acceptance" - Light Of Truth Oracle Card Of The Month

'Acceptance' is equivalent to The Hermit in the traditional tarot. It is attributed to The Path Of Yod on the Kabbalistic Tree Of Life and intuitively represents the path towards the acceptance of self, and ultimately acceptance by others. It begins with a period of introspection; contemplation enables a close look a self.

This signifies an journey within to view the inner landscape created by thought processes up to this point in life. Ultimately, a sense of true self will be achieved through this process.

'Life's purpose is to realise your spiritual nature. In order to do this you must reap the fruits of your path'.

Take a look at the physical manifestation around you, which is the reflection of the inner landscape created by your thoughts. Physical earth is nothing more than that reflection. It may feel real, because you have been fooled into thinking it is real. Your inner landscape has been somehow hooked up into a projection into which you are cast ... what you see are thought form phantasms and illusions. This physical world around you is an illusion. Nothing more. All the threats of dominion, imprisonment, destruction are merely projections from within your psyche, Realise this and embrace the experiences. - copyright Matthew James 2012 - 2019