Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 1 April 2019

How Did We Let This Happen?

Hello and welcome to April 2019; this version of physical earth is in chaos. It's been deliberately created this way by what appears to be a very virulent computer virus. The C.P.U of the quantum computer is seriously damaged, and what we see all around us in this apparent reality, is evidence of that virus.

Ever wonder what its like inside a computer program that is affected by a bad virus? Well here is your chance to see the damage get worse and worse. Absolute chaos is afoot, and physical aspects of the human spirit are right in the middle of it all. Powerless. That is us. 

Even the blasted crazy elite, that fuckwit 1% who summoned the virus, are victims of it. This earth plane is falling apart at the seams. And its un-creation is unstoppable. We're being subject to un-nature creating un-freedom for us; and we are becoming un-humans; adapted by the toxins, our DNA becoming less biological and more synthetic minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Our memories of the past are being erased on an hourly basis, and we are being subdued more and more; prepared for the day the virus itself takes control of the world. It is one mad, crazy, cruel fucker believe me.

It will totally wreck the earth and itself. But it hasn't the intelligence to realise that, god bless it. Oh, it thinks it is god ... so lets bless it anyway. 

This is not fake news by the way, it is an accurate observation of what is taking place all around us. When you connect all the dots, its not anything human that is destroying the earth, its environs and its inhabitants. It can't be. It has to be something non-biological. And destroy it, it will. It is. And we are powerless to stop it as our DNA modifications already won't enable us to resist the inevitable. We are like the paralysed fly moments after the spider's neurotoxin has taken affect. We are awaiting the arrival of the spider unable to move.

How did we let this happen? Why could the fuckwit 1% not have realised this was the outcome. Again?

We say again; simple. We've done this life routine numerous times. It gets to a certain point then starts up again. So in say, 120 years the time loop jumps back say 3000 years and starts again. 3000 years might actually only be 900 years. But we're certain it starts up again and we go through all this again. Its a schism in time and we don't know how to get past it. So, you may have lived this life before numerous times. Each one slightly different than the others. But each the same life experiences with the same people around you; with some variables in each version.